Radiant Heat – Get it, Got it, Good

Get in on Heated Driveways While the Getting is Good

Sure, you don’t want to be a sheep and just follow the crowd, twisting with the fads and turning tides of consumer whims…but some fads turn into life-long investments that can benefit you and your home value. If you ask me (and I know I’m being presumptuous to think you would since we’ve probably never met, but just hear me out) some home improvement investments can actually increase your property value. Want an example of getting while the getting is good? Take the idea of a heated driveway for starters.

Heated driveway in concrete

Think of luxurious winter months spent inside sipping a warm drink or playing games with your kids while your poor neighbors fire up the snow blowers or crank out the shovels. These neighbors clearly didn’t get a radiant snow melting system while the getting was good. Believe it or not spring and summer are the best months to say to yourself “heated driveway…get it, got it, good.” You’ll save money and you’ll be ready super early for the next onslaught of snow, which we hope is many moons away. Still, it helps to think about a ClearZone heated driveway now when the off season has the best deals to offer. Think of it like standing in the holiday isles after the holiday. Plenty of deals to be had, plenty of ways to say get it, got it, good. Do the same for a heated driveway and you’ll be glad you got while the getting was good.

Radiant Heat Could Never Be a White Elephant Gift

A Gift Like Radiant Floor Heating Would Win Big Points

With the holidays rapidly approaching do you find yourself scratching your head as to what would be the perfect gift for that special someone? We have a little hint that might get you off the naughty list and onto the “oh boy, are you ever a shining hero on a white horse” list. Giving the gift of warmth and comfort and luxury is closer than you think. I can guarantee that if you give the gift of radiant heat you will never find it in a white elephant gift pile as someone tries desperately to get rid of it. No, radiant heat will earn you major points at home or with family or with whoever you think would enjoy the glowing gift of radiant floor heating.

Radiant floor heating is more affordable than ever, so you can actually feel guilt-free about this precious gift of floor heat. Radiant heating systems are also easier than ever to install so you won’t have to muddle through a major home improvement project that uproots your lives through the busy holiday months. Many radiant heating systems can be retrofitted to your existing floors so there isn’t a lot of down time as you cross over from blasé home heating to “wow”radiant heated floors. If you commit to give radiant heat this holiday season we can pretty much guarantee you’ll see many smiles not just on the day you announce this coveted gift, but for many, many days and years to come.

Pipe Freeze Protection by Powerblanket

Check Pipe Freeze Worries off Your List Using Heating Blankets

If you are like Santa – and me for that matter – you are constantly making lists and checking them twice; especially when it comes to protecting your home or office building. Staying safe and feeling safe in your environment is key to feeling proud of how you maintain your property. Making lists helps me ensure that I don’t miss anything critical. This is especially true when it comes to seasonal needs, such as:

  1. Fertilize lawn in summer.
  2. Rake leaves in fall.
  3. Ensure my pipes don’t freeze during the winter.
  4. Rejoice when spring comes and my pipes made it through another winter without freezing.

Pipe freeze protection is vital to keeping a home, office, or production facility up and running. The Powerblanket can be a great solution for pipe freeze protection.

The insulated heating mats are unique in both durability and versatility. Using a heating blanket such as the Powerblanket to wrap and secure a consistent temperature for your pipes is a simple solution to pipe freeze protection. As long as a Powerblanket is plugged in and running, the warming properties of this unique heating blanket allow you the peace of mind to walk away from your pipes, even on the coldest nights in the dead of winter. So if you buy and use a Powerblanket, the worry of having your pipes freeze can be safely checked off your list.

How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck in a Pile of Snow?

Could the Woodchuck Chuck More Snow than ClearZone Heat Cable?

Sure, it will probably never happen, but it is kind of fun to think about. Picture a beefed-up, squirrely little woodchuck taking on a snow storm versus the melting power of ClearZone heat cables. His furry little arms would be fast and furious tiny windmills as they scooped at the endless mounds of snow surrounding him. All the while the ClearZone heat cable would use the smart principles of radiant heat to work far less with far better snow melting results. The poor little woodchuck would perspire, breathe heavy, and wear out faster than a hippo running a marathon. Yet the ClearZone heat cable would sit calmly beneath the surface working silently to melt the snow above.

Maybe this scenario is proof that winter has been too long for me and my mind has started to wander to far off places because of the snow blindness and cabin fever. However, crazy or not, the idea of anything or anyone or any animal (poor little woodchuck) beating out the power of an automatic snow melting system when it comes to snow removal is frivolous. The snow melting systems that utilize ClearZone heat cables allow you, the user (or the woodchuck if he gets a good job to pay for it) to enjoy winter without the hassle of constant snow removal. It would give you and that wood chucking varmint a much needed rest.

Secretly Vow to Enjoy Radiant Floor Heating

Radiant Floor Heating is a Decision You Won’t Regret

Ok, here’s the deal, if you don’t know much about radiant floor heating you need to get up to speed and fast. You’ll miss the radiant heating boat and trust us, there are a lot of people clamoring to jump aboard and enjoy the warming effects of warm floors. You should secretly vow right now to treat yourself to the luxurious, yet remarkably affordable joy of radiant heated floors. There is nothing quite like stepping sans sock onto an otherwise cold surface only to find it surprisingly and appealingly warm. Those first steps taken on a radiant heated floor will make you wonder why you didn’t take this vow sooner.

Radiant heat provides constant and consistent heat throughout your floors, warming everything around it, unlike forced air systems that blow warm air that rises quickly and settles near the ceiling and sneaks out the cracks of your walls, causing the whole system to kick on once again to replenish what has been lost. Forced air systems create more allergies with all that air and dust moving around, a problem easily avoided with radiant floor heat. With radiant heating the radiant heat cables beneath the surface of your floors generates warmth that permeates the surface and all the spaces around it leaving your living space inviting and comfortable. Keep this vow to treat yourself to something irresistible and warm and you’ll soon realize that radiant floor heating is a decision you won’t end up regretting.

Transport a Heating Blanket to Each Project with Ease

The Powerblanket Heating Mat is Convenient to Pick-Up and Go

If you find more and more of your outdoor projects are taking you away from home, do not fret. Some projects are close to home, while others take you a little further from your handy tools work space. If you require a outdoor warming blanket, a battery warmer, barrel heater, engine warmer or insulated heating blanket of any kind, the Powerblanket has a portable heating solution for you. The innovative Powerblanket is a weatherproof heating mat that can be plugged in to any 120V outlet. The portable heating mats may be linked together to achieve specified lengths for a variety of projects and uses.

Powerblanket tote warmers, hotboxes and portable heating

People everywhere need a way of transporting all their equipment. The ingenious thing about the Powerblanket is that they can be packed up and moved to different sites with relative ease. The concrete curing blanket has many uses and can even be hung to cure walls and columns, leaving it unrestricted from ground use.

The portable heating mats may be used in large scale construction projects as well as small home improvement projects and can be transported back and forth between each site. The portable heating mat known as the Powerblanket is handy on just about any outdoor job. Pack it up and you are ready to move.

Radiant Heating 101

The number of types of radiant heating systems available for residences or businesses is awfully mind-boggling. There’s really a lot of selection for homeowners to choose from. Today we’ll discuss the electric cable heating system kind of radiant heaters.

Electric cable heating systems are gaining popularity in as radiant floor heating systems and are ideal for heating smaller areas (10-300 square feet) like bathrooms, kitchens, and sun rooms. These systems are comprised of a thermostat and a heating cable. On some systems, the cable will be shipped to you as a large spool of cable. These systems are oftentimes less expensive, and give you the ability to space the cable how you want and customize a layout that will heat every square inch of your floor. Other systems have the cable attached to a plastic mesh or tape to create a mat to maintain its proper spacing.

Every available cable system is equally effective, so when determining which radiant heating system to purchase, you should look at the warranty of the product, along with the ease of installation. Some cables must be embedded in a separate layer of concrete or mortar, whereas other systems can simply be installed in the thinset.

Roof Heating vs. Ice Dams

The Battle You’re Sure to Never Lose

Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes warmer weather. While we’d all like to see the sun again, we don’t want those pesky ice dams to form on our roofs that can quickly turn a delightful spring into an expensive season of our discontent. Fortunately for all of us, radiant roof heat is here to keep our upcoming months pleasant and ice-dam-disaster free.

Ice dams are a common problem that often lead to catastrophic solutions. The good news, however, is that radiant roof heating systems are an easy and affordable option to prevent ice dams before they even start.

Ice dams occur when warmer weather or interior heat warms the heavy snowfall on your roof, leaving a pool of water under the feet of snow that quickly accumulates and starts leaking into your home.  Besides causing catastrophic water damage, these ice dams can also destroy your gutters, promote toxic mold growth, and potentially cause structural damage that’s sure to leave you with a headache. With so much on the line, it only makes sense to install a radiant roof heating system.

Radiant roof heat is the best way to stay ahead in the battle against ice dams. Warmzone offers a variety of roof heating solutions that are sure to keep your home safe from structural damage and your family safe from dangerous icicles. You can experience the benefits of a radiant roof heating system no matter what type of home you have—new or old. Additionally, our team will work with you to create a roof heating solution that’s catered specifically to you.

Don’t wait for the dam to break—install a radiant roof heating system now before it’s too late!

Low Profile, Electric Underfloor Heat

Efficient, Discreet Radiant Heat

Radiant heat has been around many years now for very good reasons. Electric underfloor heating is just plain hard to beat when it comes to ways of providing efficient heat for your home or business. I’m sure you have heard of heated floor technology by now. Rows of heat cable, mats or other heating elements are laid out on the subfloor and the finish surface is applied over that. ComfortTile floor heating cable is a proven, and commonly chosen radiant heat system that is easy to install, and has become the workhorse of radiant heating systems. ComfortTile systems offer a single point connection, allowing you to connect one end to the thermostat and be done. No need to “loop” or connect the other end to a controller.

FoilHeat and FloorHeat are also excellent choices when there is need to keep the profile extremely low. Both floor heating systems are almost paper thin, and the low profile also makes FloorHeat idea for discreet roof heating systems (aka, RoofHeat STEP). Both FoilHeat and FloorHeat systems come in rolls that are conveniently rolled out for easy installation. Virtually any finish surface can be applied over the top. The FloorHeat system is also a low-voltage, self-regulating floor heating system.

One of the nice features of a radiant heated floor system is that you program or control zones separately, so you can shut down any rooms that you aren’t using. There is not a more comfortable and energy-efficient heat solution than an electric radiant floor heating system. It’s simply a heat that can’t be beat.

Snow Removal Bliss On-the-Go

Warmzone’s Portable Snow Removal Systems Bring Snow Removal to you, no Matter Where you are.

You’ve heard of radiant heated driveways and they’re stellar snow melting power. You’ve seen the magnificently snow-free driveways they produce and the overjoyed customers they please, but did you know that all of this also comes in a portable version? It’s true—radiant heat that goes with you is finally possible.

Warmzone’s WarmTrax portable snow melting mats are the miniature, pocket version of a radiant heated driveway. Designed to be as durable as a tire, these rubber traction mats will melt snow wherever you want whenever you want. All you have to do is roll the mat out on an existing surface, plug it in, and let it melt the snow—no shovels, ice melter, or harsh chemicals required.

The WarmTrax portable snow melting mats allow you to reap the benefits of a radiant heated driveway without having to install anything. You can place your WarmTrax mats over stairways, handicap ramps, entryways, or even rooftops and then move it and take it to the next snow-riddled area. Radiant heat has never been so flexible.

WarmTrax snowmelt traction mats have a continuous chevron pattern and heat continually, obliterating snow and ice before it has a chance to accumulate and leave you on your buttocks. What’s more, the WarmTrax heated mats eliminate the need for salt or ice melter, which not only leaves a mess on your shoes, but also wreaks havoc on your concrete.

Premier Radiant Heat Solutions