Hot Remodeling Trends

Home Remodeling Trends you can Really Warm up to

CBS recently identified twelve trends in home remodeling for 2011. The hottest projects—bathrooms, must-do remodeling and warmer interior design projects made the top three, with green living coming in at number nine. With growing concerns over rising fuel prices and carbon footprints, it’s not surprising that more and more homeowners are investing in their homes to cut fuel consumption. Installing Warmzone radiant heated floors is a great way to keep up with remodeling trends and recoup on home improvement costs.

How does radiant heat work? Heated floors radiate heat from the floor up to keep you warm and comfortable when cold weather sets in. Two types of systems—electric heat cable and hydronic (water-based) tubing systems—when installed in the subfloor of your home act as heating elements to warm the surface above. These heating cables/tubing coordinate with a thermostat and sensors, as do traditional forced air systems, to provide heat to your home.

Heating mats being installed to heat a bathroom floor

Warmzone radiant heat is green heat. Powered by electricity, electric radiant heat cables can heat a surface in 30 to 60 minutes. Unlike forced air systems, they are room specific. With the help of sensors and a programmable thermostat you can heat one room, or heat them all quickly and efficiently, saving money on your monthly gas bill. And unlike forced air systems, they do not belch out the dust and dirt that compromises air quality in your home.

A radiant heated floor installation equals cheap equity. Heated floors give your home an impressive level of comfort and customization with minimal investment. Not sure you want to install heated floors throughout you home just yet? Warmzone offers a variety of heat cable products that can be easily installed under the subfloor of any room in your home, whether it be bathroom tile, wood or even carpet.

If, as CBS suggests, the over-arching remodeling trend for 2011 is to tackle small projects while you wait to do the really big remodeling project that’s on your list, why not start by installing heated flooring in your home.  Unlike other “one-size-fits-all” radiant heat providers, Warmzone offers an array of radiant heated flooring solutions designed to better match your individual project, and your budget. The good news—many of these floor heating products can be installed by do-it-yourself homeowners.

The Latest Trends in Home Improvement

Radiant Heated Floors – Home Remodeling Trends You can Really Warm up to

CBS recently identified twelve trends in home remodeling for 2011. The hottest projects—bathrooms, must-do remodeling and warmer interior design projects made the top three, with green living coming in at number nine. With growing concerns over rising fuel prices and carbon footprints, it’s not surprising that more and more homeowners are investing in their homes to cut fuel consumption. Installing Warmzone radiant heated floors is a great way to keep up with remodeling trends and recoup on home improvement costs.

How does radiant heat work? Heated floors radiate heat from the floor up to keep you warm and comfortable when cold weather sets in. Two types of systems—electric heat cable and hydronic (water-based) tubing systems—when installed in the subfloor of your home act as heating elements to warm the surface above. These heating cables/tubing coordinate with a thermostat and sensors, as do traditional forced air systems, to provide heat to your home.

Radiant heated tile floor

Warmzone radiant heat is green heat. Powered by electricity, electric radiant heat cables can heat a surface in 30 to 60 minutes. Unlike forced air systems, they are room specific. With the help of sensors and a programmable thermostat you can heat one room, or heat them all quickly and efficiently, saving money on your monthly gas bill. And unlike forced air systems, they do not belch out the dust and dirt that compromises air quality in your home.

A radiant heated floor installation equals cheap equity. Heated floors give your home an impressive level of comfort and customization with minimal investment. Not sure you want to install heated floors throughout you home just yet? Warmzone offers a variety of heat cable products that can be easily installed under the subfloor of any room in your home, whether it be bathroom tile, wood or even carpet.

If, as CBS suggests, the over-arching remodeling trend for 2011 is to tackle small projects while you wait to do the really big remodeling project that’s on your list, why not start by installing heated floors in your home?  Unlike other “one-size-fits-all” radiant heat providers, Warmzone offers an array of radiant floor heating solutions designed to better match your individual project, and your budget. The good news—many of these floor heating products can be installed by do-it-yourself homeowners.

Heated Driveways and Roof Deicing

The Hottest New Trends in Home Remodeling
Among the hottest types of projects listed in the 2011 CBS twelve trends in home remodeling are the “must do” and green remodeling projects. If you are finally replacing your roof or pouring a new driveway, consider incorporating a snow melting system into your project list. Radiant heat is green heating technology that actually enhances the life of your roof or driveway without impacting your overall fuel consumption.

Warmzone roof deicing systems are designed to prevent the buildup of snow, ice and large icicles around roof eaves, drains and valleys, preventing damage to your roof and the potential for injury from falling icicles. And you have several roof heating options to choose from.

How it works
Warmzone RoofHeat heating element is polypropylene fused during fabrication to achieve water proofing and protection from UV rays, alkaline or salt damage. Lightweight, flexible and easy to install, these panels can be placed under new or existing asphalt, shake or tile shingles, making roof heating a low-cost, viable home remodeling project.

Installing a heated driveway is another way to add safety, convenience and efficiency to your household while building equity. Warmzone cable is available in pre-configured mats, making easy to roll out under newly poured driveways or pavers. The cable generates heat with the help of an automatic sensor that detects inclement weather and activates the system. It immediately detects changes in temperature and moisture associated with snow and similar weather conditions to warm up your driveway so it’s clear before your boots (or tires) ever see the pavement.

Asphalt driveway with heated tire tracks

Whether you choose an electric snow melting system for your roof or your driveway, you’ll also have the peace of mind that comes with green living. Protecting your roof from inclement weather and damage keeps heat in, so your furnace doesn’t have to work as hard, saving you in fossil fuel costs. A Warmzone radiant heated driveway system also saves your driveway from damage caused by harsh snow melting chemicals or the scraping of snow removal equipment, plus the energy you expend clearing them, whether you’re pushing a gas-burning snow blower, or shoveling.

Snow and ice melt systems provided by Warmzone deliver first class performance, efficiency, ease of installation and energy conservation. Partnering with Warmzone to complete your home improvement project means you’ll get the valuable input from radiant heat professionals needed to find a perfect solution for your heating requirements that’s within your budget, so you can save some green!

Request a FREE quote or call 888.488.9276 today.

Now is the Time to Buy

Energy Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Radiant Snow Melting Systems

If you’re one of those unfortunate souls who has to manually remove snow from the driveway and walks every winter, you may want to reconsider your methods. The passing of new snow removal laws (as in Massachusetts) don’t make it any easier on homeowners, who are now mandated to provide snow and ice-free walkways for pedestrians. If the sidewalks are not cleared, property owners are not only susceptible to personal injury lawsuits, but they also face the possibility of fines, levied by the local government. Removing snow from your driveway and sidewalks is no longer an option – it’s the law!

Grass damaged from salt applied to melt snow during winter

Many consumers stock up on salt and other snow melting chemicals to ease the physical burden of shoveling the snow, but the amount of time, money and adverse environmental effects of these chemicals can be evident year round.  While effective in melting snow, salt and chemicals are not so friendly to the surrounding landscape. When spring hits, the bordering grass and shrubs often reveal the ugly scars from the repeated salt and chemical use during the winter.

So if you’re serious about going green (in more ways than one), consider this: Radiant heat snow melting systems

Operate on clean, renewable energy (hydronic or electric)
Are safe and environmentally friendly
Are fully automated so that they efficiently operate only when needed
Operate discreetly and silently

Of course, one of the most significant “selling points” of radiant snow melting systems is that it eliminates the time consuming, physical demands of the homeowner.

The best time to purchase and install a snow melting system is during the early spring. You are much more likely to discover discounted prices, because the demand typically wanes when the weather begins to warm. Springtime is a time when homeowners are more interested in outdoor grills and barbeques than snow melting systems. Of course, once the summer has run its course and Old Man Winter is peeking around the corner, consumers tend to scramble to install a snow melting system before the first storm hits.

While snow melting systems have become more affordable, installing a system should still be done with careful consideration. Do some research and deal with experts who will openly talk to you about the various products available. Don’t be fooled into thinking that some provider has the ready-made system that is perfect for your needs. You need unbiased professionals. Talk to the experienced radiant heat staff at Warmzone and learn the “how’s, what’s and why’s” before you make any decisions.

Warmzone is a trusted, leading provider of radiant heat systems, for good reason. We’ve been around a long time, and we offer a wide variety of proven systems from only the most reputable manufacturers. We’re not “locked in” to selling one brand or “one size fits all” system.

In fact, Warmzone provides customized solutions for all of its customers, and works within your budget. We evaluate, design and review every aspect of your project so that your system meets your needs, while keeping within your budget.

If you are serious about the environment and looking for a “green” solution for snow melting, look no further than Warmzone. Call 888.488.9276 today or email.

Pipe Tracing for Your Business

Keep Your Business Running Safely with Pipe Trace Cables
Owning and operating a business is serious business indeed. Your top priority besides making tons of dough is to keep things running smoothly and safely for all involved. If you own a large building or warehouse you are extra conscientious about keeping things moving at full steam ahead. Frozen pipes during the brutal winter months is a legitimate concern, one that savvy business owners are aware of. Commercial, municipal, and industrial buildings all need pipe tracing to protect pipes during dips in temperatures.

Heat trace cable installed on pipe of industrial facility.

Pipe freeze prevention is one of the first necessary investments you must make when your property is up and running. Pipes should be equipped with electric heat trace freeze protection for optimal temperature maintenance. In the long run, having pipe freeze protection will save you from costly repair and sometimes irreversible damage to inventory, equipment, and property.

Pipe freeze protection systems can be used with both metal and plastic water piping. In the coldest months where pipe freezing is a real danger, the self-regulating heat cable adjusts heat output in response to ambient temperatures. The power output increases or decreases in response to ambient temperature changes. This even occurs at each point along the length of the pipe trace cable effectively adjusting the power output in varying degrees along the length of the pipe. The design and intent of the self-regulating systems ensures safe and efficient operation. Operating your business safely is a whole lot easier with pipe trace cables.

Warmzone stands proudly by the quality of our products and services. Our radiant heat products are tested and proven to be among the best in the industry. Call Warmzone today. Your initial consultation and project estimate is absolutely free.

For more information on pipe tracing, radiant heated drivewaysradiant floor heating, or roof deicing and gutter trace systems, browse our web site or call 888.488.9276 today.

Radiant Heat Technology

Snow Melting Systems: Technology For the Ages

While radiant heated driveways are viewed as a relatively modern convenience, you might be surprised to know that radiant heat has been around since antiquity. The Romans actually utilized raised-slab floors and an exterior wood fired furnace to heat their villas. As hot gases from the furnace would enter the house below floor level, they were naturally drawn through the floors up and out of the walls, radiating heat along the way.

Of course, radiant heat technology has come a long way. Durable, easily installed and inconspicuous, it clears the driveways and sidewalks we travel on, and warms our floors (along with our soles). Great news if you’ve ever considered a heated driveway in your future!

Today’s heated driveways are made up of three main elements: the heating element, the controller and the snow sensor or activation device. Controlled by either a wall-mounted control box, snow melting systems can be activated manually; or, with the help of sensors, automatically as conditions change.

ClearZone radiant heat cable comes with several benefits. Safely installed in new concrete pours, under pavers and in harsh, high-temperature new asphalt projects, it delivers unmatched durability. ClearZone cable can be customized to meet performance and space requirements for virtually any snowmelt project. Featuring a unique, maintenance-free design, a 10-year manufacturers warranty and the quickest response time, ClearZone cable is built to consistently outperform the competition.

Warmzone’s compact 6 x 3.5-inch wall-mounted snowmelt control unit monitors the activity of the entire heated driveway system. The snowmelt control unit can be switched on/off (standby) and the heating system can be forced on in case of blowing snow or ice formation due to wind or shade. It features manual override capability, and can also be controlled using an external signal, from a day/week timer, GSM-module or other signal source.

When moisture is present and the preset temperature is reached, it is the snow sensor—whether aerial-mounted or pavement-mounted —that relays the information to the controller to activate the snow melting system. Once the trigger temperature is set, the sensor switch will only activate a radiant heated driveway when needed, saving energy and operating costs.

As radiant heat technology has evolved, the ease of installation and the chief benefits of snow melting systems–efficiency and convenience–make heated driveways more compelling than ever. Warmzone can install heated driveways during pre- or post-construction phases, in almost any medium. The good news—with so much expertise and experience, Warmzone can easily customize a snowmelt system solution that’s right for you, and your budget.

Warmzone Unveils New Website

Salt Lake City, Utah, January 3, 2011 – Warmzone, the premier provider of radiant heat products and services, announced the unveiling of its newly designed Website ( The revamped site features improved navigation, new product offerings, and a wealth of radiant heat information.

The content driven site serves as an information resource for homeowners and construction professionals alike who are considering the installation of a radiant heat system. A comprehensive collection of informative articles and blogs, as well as monthly newsletters and detailed product comparisons are easily accessible through the site’s “Pressroom” and “FAQ” sections. According to Warmzone Executive VP of Systems Design and Engineering, Brandon Weaver, consumers deserve to have as much current information as possible at their fingertips, which is why Warmzone prides itself on providing a comprehensive online radiant heat resource for consumers.

“Homeowners are carefully researching and comparing before making any significant purchases nowadays,” Weaver explained. “We want to make it easy for consumers to learn about radiant heat and get answers to their questions. As they learn more about the various systems and options available, we believe the more attractive our solutions become. Our goal is to serve as a partner by providing the most efficient, cost-effective solution for each customer.”

As one of the largest providers of complete radiant heat solutions, Warmzone partners with several manufactures to offer the widest selection of radiant heat products at the lowest prices possible. The new website showcases the various floor heating and snow melting systems and identifies the specific characteristics and advantages of each solution. Because Warmzone has cultivated relationships with the industry’s top manufacturers, the website is not limited to a single brand or type of radiant heat solution. Rather, the website serves as a truly informative site that includes accurate information about the most proven, reputable products.

Free quotes are also available through With a couple of clicks, consumers can submit a form with their specific project details. Warmzone will then evaluate the information and respond with a detailed project estimate, at no cost or obligation.

For more information on electric radiant heating, visit: or call a Warmzone consultant directly at 888.488.WARM (9276).


About WARMZONE – Premier Radiant Heating

WARMZONE is a privately owned and operated business headquartered in Salt Lake City Utah. With a staff of some of the most experienced professionals in the industry, Warmzone routinely provides radiant heat solutions throughout the United States and Canada. Warmzone’s business model focuses on providing each of its customers with the ability to design, plan and purchase custom radiant heating systems.

Green Heating for Your Home

Everyone seems to be seeing green nowadays. Words like “energy efficient, green construction” and “biodegradable” are used on a daily basis, and most of us believe that buying products with these labels means we are doing our part to save the environment. Auto makers jumped on the eco-friendly bandwagon, advertising vehicles that are gas-friendly to gas-free, which basically means 30 MPG and can run on mostly renewable E85 ethanol. What mostly renewable means, you’ll have to ask General Motors and Ford. Taking into account that Europe is considering implementing a 60 MPG minimum on cars, these early “gas friendly” cars look not-so-friendly.

One possible way to be more green or to incorporate green construction into an existing home, is investing in products that run on renewable energy such as electricity rather than fossil fuels. It’s true that most of the world’s electricity is produced using coal, nuclear, and natural gas. While this may not seem like a better alternative, consider the totally renewable energy sources of electricity such as solar, hydro and wind. As fossil fuels become scarcer, these renewable energy sources will be the forefront in energy production.

So where can you start? Most homes in America are heated using gas, and most of us can’t ignore the rising costs. Lowering the thermostat to barely tolerable temperatures may be your solution, but if you have children who are blissfully ignorant about the cost of heating, they have probably been tempted once or twice to warm things up when you weren’t looking. An alternative heating to gas that is hugely popular in Europe, and one that your children are guaranteed to love, is radiant heat.

Oddly enough, radiant heat is actually the oldest form of heating homes, originating all the way back to the Romans. Yeah, they were pretty smart. When most of us think of radiant heat, we think of hydronic technology. For those of you who are still in the dark, a hydronic system heats the floor of a home through a heated water loop or underground piping.  Drawbacks to these types of systems are a significant rise in the height of the floor, high cost, and difficulty to install.

An even better form of radiant heating runs on electricity. There is no magic behind it, just a wire or cable that is easily installed beneath hardwood, tile, cement and even carpet. Some systems don’t raise the floor at all, while others result in less than a half an inch of floor buildup, and much of the system can be installed by any ambitious do-it-yourselfer. The best part? It is energy efficient, consuming only 12 watts per square foot (many systems are even less), and you are able to heat your home comfortably at lower temperatures because the electric radiant heat warms all the objects it comes in contact with.

Allergy sufferers will be pleased to know that because electric radiant heating does not use forced air to heat, it won’t stir up dust, pollens, and other allergens in the air. Forced air heating systems also dry out your skin significantly, not to mention they take a fair amount of time to warm up your home. With radiant heated floors, your home heats up almost instantly, evenly and much more comfortably.

Something not easily digested is that America consumes 43 percent of the world’s motor gasoline, 25 percent of its crude petroleum, 25 percent of its natural gas, and 23 percent of its hard coal. Investing in energy efficient products that run on electricity, like electric radiant heat, just might cut down these numbers and make your home a green home. Not to mention make you feel a little better, make your home warmer, and your wallet just might be a little thicker.

Warmzone Cited in Wall Street Journal

Online Wall Street Journal Interviews Warmzone Sales Manager, Bryan Morris

The Wall Street Journal recently cited Warmzone Sales Manager, Bryan Morris, in an online article, “ The New Cold Warrior,” published January 19, 2011. The piece features an in-depth view of the various snow removal tools and methods that are available to homeowners nowadays; ranging from battery operated snow blowers and ergonomic shovels to fully automated radiant heat systems. The general emphasis of the article is that high-tech snow removal solutions are on the rise because they are not only easy on the driveway and surrounding property, but also on the body.

Much of the exposé was devoted to Warmzone, including a spotlight on one of its recent snow melting projects. Richard Silverstein of Chappaqua, N.Y., purchased the snow melting system from Warmzone for his home’s steep 8,000-square-foot stone-paver driveway and walkways around his outdoor hot tub. The 60-year-old neuro-ophthalmologist works out of his house and was concerned that patients and visitors might hurt themselves because of icy conditions. The Journal was particularly interested in the Silverstein job because of the size and scope of the project.

Dr. Silverstein emphasized that he didn’t want to be at the mercy of numerous plows and snow blowers, but instead wanted to be “stress free” during the winter months. That’s when he decided to explore the options for radiant heat. Bryan Morris was the Warmzone representative who answered Dr. Silverstein’s call. Together with a team of designers and electrical engineers, Morris worked to develop the extensive snow melting system.

“At Warmzone,” Morris stated, “we deal with a variety of affordable environmentally green products; ranging from interior floor heating solutions to heated driveways and snow melting systems that melt snow and ice from roofs, gutters, walkways, ramps, etc.  Our approach is to thoroughly understand our customer’s needs, recommend services and solutions to meet those needs, and to support them before, during and after the sale.”

As a leader of radiant heat solutions, Warmzone carries a host of industry-leading snow melting and radiant floor heating products. The company also provides professional radiant heat design services along with detailed CAD drawings of each radiant heat system.

The Wall Street Journal article further elaborated on the components of Warmzone’s automated snow melting systems in addition to the cost and benefits of electric radiant heating. For a FREE quote, or to learn more about Warmzone heated driveways, roof deicing or radiant heated floors, visit the Warmzone website or call a radiant heat expert today, at 888.488.9276.


More Than One Way to Heat a Driveway

When it comes to Radiant Heated Driveway Systems, you may have more Options than you Realize.

So you’ve decided that a radiant heated driveway is in your future, and may be asking, now what? If you’re looking for high-quality, reliable radiant heat solutions, look no further than Warmzone. As a trusted provider of quality radiant heat solutions, Warmzone has made a name for itself by offering the best selection and prices available on radiant snow melting systems and heated floors, and for providing a creative approach to finding solutions to meet the needs of its customers.

Warmzone takes three general approaches to heated driveway installation. To keep paved areas completely clear and free of snow and ice, radiant heating cable can be installed underneath entire driveway and/or walkway surfaces. Other snow melting options include installing either an 8-10 foot wide strip of heating cable, or two 24-inch wide tracks of radiant heat cable up the middle or main traffic area of your driveway.

Heated driveway with brick pavers

Warmzone has built a reputation not only on their approach to a variety of radiant heat systems, but on their state-of-the-art products. ClearZone cable is durable resistance heat cable used to melt snow and ice in harsh weather conditions. It is built specifically for heated driveways, sidewalks and other common areas that require snow removal in the worst conditions. Easy to install and easily customizable, ClearZone heat cable provides an effective, energy efficient and environmentally friendly snow removal solution that is virtually maintenance free.

ClearZone electric radiant snow melting cable is available in pre-configured sections, or mats, for easy installation. These snow melting mats are built specifically for electric heated driveway systems, sidewalks and other common areas. They’re designed for ease of installation and proper cable spacing for optimum snow melting efficiency, whether you choose to heat an entire driveway, or target high-traffic areas. They can be rolled out for safe installation in new concrete pours, under pavers and even in high-temperature new asphalt projects.

Custom Heated Driveways  (Continued)
Of course, you may not be ready to pour a new driveway right now. Perhaps the thought of rolling out ClearZone snow melting cables or mats over your existing pavement does not appeal to your aesthetic sensibilities. But don’t rule out a heated driveway in your future just yet. ClearZone radiant heat cable is easily retrofitted into existing surfaces. Using concrete saw-cut technology, grooves can be cut into existing concrete or asphalt. The ClearZone radiant heat cable is then laid into the grooves and sealed with a special epoxy topcoat for efficient, effective snow removal.

Choose Warmzone, and you not only benefit from cutting-edge radiant heat technologies, but a team of radiant heat specialists with the experience and the expertise to design a snowmelt system to satisfy your objectives and budget. From start to finish, our professional designers can evaluate your radiant heating system requirements, and based on this information, create a detailed CAD schematic of your heated driveway system layout. You’ll know the electrical requirements, technical specifications and system performance expectations before heat cable is installed with no costly installation surprises later on.

Snow melting system installed under pavers

Warmzone stands proudly by the quality of our products and services. Our radiant heat products are tested and proven to be among the best in the industry. Call Warmzone today. Your initial consultation and project estimate is absolutely free.

For more information on radiant heated driveways, radiant floor heating, or roof deicing and gutter trace systems, browse our web site or call 888.488.9276 today.

Ancient Radiant Heating

The “Ancient” Art of Sustainable Living

As a current or future radiant heat consumer, you might fancy yourself to be part of a growing trend towards sustainable home heating. What you may not know is that although it is considered an emerging, “modern” trend among residential homeowners, radiant heat technology is actually thousands of years old.

Ancient Roman ruins reveal floor heating technology
Ruins of a Roman underfloor heating system. (Photo courtesy of Silvermel.)

The history of underfloor heating began in 10,000 BC with the Chinese, who used the word “kang”(original meaning, “to dry”) to describe what became known as a heated bed. Inhabitants drafted smoke from fires through stone covered trenches in the floors of their subterranean dwellings. The hot smoke heated the floor stones, radiating into their living spaces. Evidence of heated floors based on this principle were found in 5,000 B.C. in China and Korea.

The Greeks and Romans finessed the process in 500 B.C. with the hypocaust. Literally translated, hypocaust means “heat from below,” from the Greek word hypo meaning below or underneath, and kaiein, to burn or light a fire. This system was more efficient and less evasive than that of its Asian predecessor. It used pillars to raise the floors, creating a space underneath to circulate hot air. Spaces were left inside of the walls so that hot air and smoke from the furnace would pass through enclosed areas underneath the floor and out of flues in the roof, radiating heat through the walls along the way. While the hypocaust was a marked advancement in under floor heating, the process of heating itself was labor-intensive and high in fuel costs, making it a luxury for those living in villas, and at the public baths.

It wasn’t until the 1980s that standards were developed for underfloor heating systems. Five years later, radiant heat became a traditional system in residential buildings in some European and Nordic countries, and began to find its way into non-residential applications. These modern underfloor heating systems use either electric resistance elements (electric) or heated fluid flowing in pipes (hydronic) to heat floors. Both can be cast in concrete, placed under the floor covering, or attached directly to the wood sub floor. Either type can be installed as an alternative to forced air to improve home air quality and reduce heating costs associated with fossil fuels, or as a localized system for thermal comfort.

Electric radiant heat marks a growing trend in residential heating. Electric radiant under floor heating systems are less evasive and less costly to install than hydronic systems, which require skilled designers and tradesmen familiar with boilers, circulators, controls, fluid pressures and temperature for proper installation. Electric radiant heat systems are more efficient than hydronic systems. Powered by electricity, radiant heat cables can heat a surface in 30 to 60 seconds, unlike hydronic systems, which may take anywhere from 4-7 hours to heat a surface—a considerable difference in performance. Because there is a boiler involved, hydronic systems may be fueled by natural gas, oil, coal or wood, making them less environmentally friendly and more costly to operate.

Whether you choose electric or hydronic floor heating, Warmzone has the experience and expertise to install a radiant heat system that’s right for your home and your budget. Whichever you choose, you’ll have the comfort of knowing you’ve done your part to reduce your carbon footprint, improve your home’s air quality and maintain a warm, comfortable environment for your family. Be sure to visit for more information on how Warmzone can customize a sustainable home heating solution just for you.

Aging Population in the U.S. Looking for Convenience, Comfort and Safety

Whether you are a senior, live with or have a senior in your employ, undoubtedly your comfort and safety is a priority, particularly in the prevention of slip and fall accidents. In inclement weather, radiant heat snow melting systems not only help to protect seniors, but all employees and customers from potential ice and snow-related falls.

Just how likely is this problem for seniors? It is estimated that the majority of the lifetime cost for persons 65 and over is directly attributed to falls. Among people aged 65 to 69, one out of every 200 falls results in a hip fracture, and among those persons 85 years of age or older, one fall in ten results in a hip fracture. The most profound effect of falling is the loss of independent functioning. Twenty-five percent of those who fracture a hip require life-long nursing care. About 50 percent of the elderly who sustain a fall-related injury will be discharged to a nursing home rather than return home. Considering these disturbing trends, it’s not surprising that many home and business owners are turning to radiant heat to curtail this tragic trend.

Treacherous snowy driveway in need of radiant heat

Electric radiant heated driveways and walkways are a practical method of slip and fall prevention during inclement weather. Fully automated, these systems are activated by a high-performance snow sensor when precipitation is detected and temperatures dip below 39 degrees F. The sensor signals the master control box, initiating startup of the electric radiant heated driveway system. This heated driveway system not only eliminates the task (or in the case of seniors, the cost) of snow removal, it clears surfaces to prepare for foot traffic well before ice and snow buildup occurs, eliminating the possibility of a slip and fall due to changing weather conditions.

When it comes to maintaining a quality of life for seniors, radiant heat is not only valuable in terms of snow melting, but other applications as well. If you’re a senior, you can now say goodbye to unwelcome cold winter drafts in the home associated with traditional heat systems. Unlike forced air, electric radiant heated floors, once initiated, can heat a room quickly, radiating heat from the floor up. They can be safely installed under wood, carpet, and ceramic tile to keep seniors safe, warm, and protected against illnesses brought on by winter’s chill. By reducing the dependence on costly fossil fuels, they are equally cost-effective, and that’s important when you’re on a limited budget. And, with the help of a room-specific thermostat and sensors, you have the freedom to heat one room, or heat them all, depending upon your needs for even greater efficiency.

Large heated paver driveway

Due to medications, changes in vision and other health concerns, incidents of falling and illness increase dramatically with age. Each fall or medical setback brings with it a threat to independence. Taking preventive measures now is one way to lessen the chance of a fall, or illness, and ensure that seniors live healthy, productive lives well into old age.

Call a radiant heat expert (888.488.9276) to learn more about the snow melting and floor heating systems and options available for you.

Snow Melting Systems Work While you Sleep

The weather has been in the news a lot lately. Crazy storms are wreaking havoc on roads and structures across the country, as evidenced by the roof collapse of the Metrodome in Minnesota. The record snowfalls even resulted in the postponing of a couple of NFL football games, which hasn’t happened in decades. The storms have made many of us take stock in how prepared we are for these blizzards.

The fortunate homeowners with radiant snow melting systems installed were able to go about their days without missing a beat during these storms, but the folks without a heated driveway snow melting system were faced with considerable challenges. Repeated shoveling of driveways and sidewalks were necessary as a series of storms left heavy snow in their wake. The hours and efforts of manual snow removal took a toll, and many people simply couldn’t keep up with the winter barrage. For these folks, installing an automated snow melting system may be quickly jumping to the top of their priority lists.

Heated paver walkway

Heated driveways have automatic sensors that allow them to work even while you are asleep. The smart snow sensor signals the driveway heating system when weather conditions warrant, activating the heat cables and warming your driveway to keep it clear of snow and ice. You can rest easy and keep your aspirin in the cupboard, knowing that your snowmelt system will do the heavy labor while you get your sleep. Contact Warmzone to learn more about these affordable snow melting solutions.

Premier Radiant Heat Solutions