Shipping Questions
Q: | How do you ship your products? |
A: | All products are shipped ground via common carrier (UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc.).
Products can be shipped more quickly, if specified. (Customers are responsible for additional
charges for faster shipping.) |
Q: | Once If I make a purchase, how long does it take to receive my products? |
A: | Items are generally shipped within 1-3 business days of the purchase date.
Packages sent via ground usually arrive within 7 business days of being shipped. Please allow
at least 10 business days to receive your packages. Tracking numbers are emailed to the
customer on every order. Expedited shipping times are available if needed. Please discuss your project requirements with one of our representatives. |
Accounting |
Q: | What forms of payment do you accept? |
A: | Warmzone® accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Money
Orders, Checks and PayPal payments. |