Cold weather is a common roadblock to pouring concrete and completing construction projects. Despite the arrival of spring, the ground can remain frozen for a considerable time, further delaying projects and adding to construction costs. A heated, insulated concrete curing blanket from Warmzone is a simple, energy-efficient solution for pouring concrete and completing quality cement work in cold conditions.
Pouring concrete in cold weather is usually not a good idea. Even with the arrival of warmer temperatures, the ground can still remain frozen in many parts of the country. Typically, this means that construction projects involving concrete must wait until the ground thaws.
With the close of winter, most do-it-yourself types are eager to tackle projects that have been “on hold” during the cold season. However, in early spring, temperatures can still dip below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and at that temperature freshly-poured concrete can freeze or not cure properly.
The Powerblanket® is an ideal solution to pouring concrete in cold weather. Electrically-heated Powerblankets are extremely durable, weatherproof concrete curing blankets for home and construction projects. From large outdoor projects to small indoor needs, versatile Powerblankets are available in a variety of sizes and designed to link together to fit the specific space requirements of your projects.

Most people try to use blankets or straw to keep concrete from freezing in cold weather. However just keeping the concrete from freezing isn’t enough. “No amount of blankets or straw will thaw frozen ground — and the last thing you want to do is pour concrete on frozen ground,” noted Warmzone National Sales Manager, Bryan Morris.
While it may be possible able to trap in some heat, this insulation won’t keep the temperature at an ideal level for maximum curing efficiency. “To pour concrete you need to have the temperature between 65 – 85° Fahrenheit – both to lay a strong foundation and to save hours and hours of time. Powerblanket is a solution,” Morris added. The durable blankets are also energy efficient.
The colder the temperature that concrete gets exposed to, the longer it will take to set and reach its maximum strength. For example, concrete that is steady at 70°F will set in approximately six hours, but at 40°F it will take 14 hours. At 70°F your concrete will be almost three times as strong as it would be if temperatures maintained at 40°F.
Powerblankets can be used for other insulation and warming needs in cold water, including: engine warming, bucket heating, wall curing, ground thawing, equipment warming, frozen pipe thawing, curb and gutter thawing, etc. The curing blankets can also be used on cement walls and columns.
The rugged Powerblanket is safe to handle in inclement weather and is extremely durable. The insulated, vinyl covered blankets can be driven on, pulled over re-bar, dragged through mud and water, buried, and then rolled up or folded until it is needed again. Powerblankets can be a tremendous asset to contractors and do-it-yourselfers by preventing construction delays as well as enhancing the quality of cement work. The applications of the Powerblanket are virtually limitless.
About Warmzone
Warmzone’s mission is to match customer’s needs with the finest radiant heating systems available. As an intermediary between project requirements and a variety of system choices, Warmzone and offer non-biased, individualized solutions that factor the installation, durability, performance and operational investment as the key criteria of their customers.