Reviewing Electric and Hydronic Radiant Snow Melting Systems – Part I

What are the Best Options for Keeping Your Driveway Clear of Snow and Ice?

Every year it comes, and every year we fight it. I’m talking about snow . . . lots and lots of snow. Sure, it’s pretty and helps to put us in a festive, holiday mood, but the truth is that snow can drain our wallets, sap our strength and even impose on our sleep or leisure time.

Most folks who live in cold climates have become somewhat accustomed to getting up a little earlier or staying up a little later in order to shovel snow from their driveways or clear their roofs and gutters. Usually the shoveling of snow is followed by the disbursement of salt or other snow melting chemicals. Some homeowners – and businesses especially – opt to pay someone else to manually remove the snow. But is manual snow removal really the best way to rid our sidewalks and driveways of snow and ice? There is, in fact, another option – radiant heat.

Radiant heat snow melting systems are fully automated, so once they are installed, there’s no need to worry about snow removal ever again. Electric snow melting systems consist of three components: The heat cable, a snow sensor (activation device), and controller. (Hydronic systems also include a boiler and pump.)

Heated driveway in concrete

The heat cable features a thick wire that is surrounded by layers of insulation, copper grounding braid and a protective outer layer of PVC or polyolefin to form a flexible cable about ⅛ to ¼ inch in diameter. Cable is available on spools as well as in mats. These mats have the heat cable that is pre-spaced and attached to a mesh backing, and can be customized (cut) to suit virtually any type of layout, including driveways, ramps, common walkways and sidewalks, etc.

The activation device for the snow melting system activation device can be either an aerial-mounted or pavement-mounted snow sensor. These sensors activate the system when there is moisture present and the temperature is below approximately 38 degrees. Most systems also include a manual timer to preheat an area before a large storm to curb snow and ice accumulation or to eliminate snow drifts.

When the snow sensor detects the right conditions, it signals the control unit which then sends power through the heat cable. The system warms the surface quickly so that the first snowflakes melt immediately as they land on your heated driveway.

Electric and Hydronic Radiant Snow Melting Systems

What are the Pros and Cons of each Method of Radiant Heating?

First of all, it is important to clarify that one method of radiant heat cannot claim universal superiority over the other. Both types of radiant heat are popular. That being said, each system does possess distinct attributes and advantages.

Electric Radiant Snow Melting Systems

Electric snowmelt systems utilize rugged heat cable that distributes heat evenly across the surface of the driveway or sidewalk. The heating cable is durable enough that it can be installed in new concrete pours, under pavers and even in harsh, high-temperature new asphalt construction projects. It is secured to the remesh and generally spaced at 6 inches while being embedded within about 2 inches of the surface.

The Top Advantages of Electric Radiant Snow Melting Systems

Ease of Installation – Electric radiant heat systems are fairly easy to install. (Handy do-it-yourselfers can do most of the installation. It is important, however, for a qualified electrician to install the wiring.)

Energy Efficient – Electric radiant systems boast a rapid response time, heating the area quickly and efficiently (99% of all energy goes to snow melting, so there is virtually no wasted energy).

Lower Installation Costs – Because electric systems can be installed quickly and easily, the installation costs are minimal.

Maintenance Free – Electric radiant heat systems do not use any moving mechanical parts, so the system is virtually maintenance free.

No Mechanical Room is Required – Electric systems consist of three main components: the heat cable, a snow sensor (activation device), and the controller. So, unlike hydronic systems that utilize a boiler and pump, there is no need for a mechanical room.

SUMMARY: For small to medium sized snow melting applications, electric radiant heat is generally the best choice.

Continued: Read Part II

Reviewing Electric and Hydronic Radiant Snow Melting Systems – Part II

Hydronic Radiant Heat

Continued from Part I

Hydronic heating was the first form of radiant heat, used by ancient Chinese civilizations and further developed by the Romans. Today’s hydronic floor heating systems feature PEX radiant tubing that is usually installed in concrete. For interior applications, the tubing is sometimes installed in a concrete mass called Gypsum Concrete or “Gypcrete,” or, more commonly in the grooves of the advanced aluminum panel system. The pre-cut panel method is known as a low-mass or modular board underlayment system, and is ideal for remodeling as well as most new construction projects.

Hydronic floor heating system being installed
Hydronic heated floor with Pex tubing inserted into Rau Panels.

The heating element for a hydronic system involves flexible tubing and specially treated water. Hydronic heated driveways use a closed-loop tubing system to heat the surface of the driveway. The tubing is generally made of a durable polymer (PEX tubing) or synthetic rubber to circulate a mixture of hot water and propylene glycol (antifreeze). The fluid is warmed to temperatures between 140 to 180 degrees F to deliver enough heat throughout the snow melting system.

The PEX tubing can be installed under a variety of mediums, including concrete, asphalt, stone pavers, etc. Successful operation of a hydronic heating system depends on proper tubing spacing and layout. Tubes are usually laid out in a spiral or serpentine pattern for even heat distribution, making initial installation a bit more challenging than that of electric radiant heating systems.

A water heater (boiler) is the heat source for a hydronic heated system, which can be powered by any energy source that satisfies the btu requirements, including natural gas, electricity, oil, wood, or even solar collectors. A circulating pump and supply and return manifolds, installed in an easily accessible location, transfer the liquid between the heat source and tubing.

Flexible Power Source Options (Low Operating Costs) – Because the boiler of a hydronic radiant heat snow melting system can utilize natural gas, oil, wood, or other cheap fuel, the operating cost for large hydronic systems can be lower than that of an equally sized electric radiant heat snow melting system.

Snow melting mats laid out to heat asphalt driveway
Retrofitting an asphalt driveway with radiant heat. Snow melting cable is placed on the original surface and new asphalt is then applied over the heat cable.

Electric heated driveway systems are generally more efficient than hydronic systems. Electric cables heat up instantaneously, whereas the liquid within hydronic tubing takes a while longer to be heated up before the snow begins to melt. Installation of electric systems is fairly simple for the “do-it-yourselfer”, and heat cable is also available in mats that can be rolled out for simple installation. The mats feature cable that is pre-spaced, attached to a durable fiberglass mesh backing. They can be easily rolled out to heat tire tracks or an entire driveway. This flexibility is invaluable in retrofit applications, where hydronic system installation is more evasive, and costly.

With both radiant snow melting systems, you have great flexibility in terms of the installation configuration (even more so with electric systems). Instead of heating an entire driveway, you may want to install heat cables to only melt snow in the tire tracks of the driveway. The heat cable for radiant snowmelt systems can be customized to heat just about any type of odd shaped area, large or small.

Radiant Heat Offers Flexibility in Terms of Options

If you are considering installing a heated driveway, there are three general driveway heating solutions that are typically recommended:

  1. Install radiant heating cable under the entire driveway pavement.
  2. Install only an 8-10 foot wide strip of heating cable up the middle of your driveway or main traffic area.
  3. Install two 24-inch wide tracks of radiant heat cable up the middle of your driveway.
Heated tire tracks in driveway
Electric heated driveway with heated tire tracks in concrete.

Electric radiant heat systems usually cost less to install, and are much easier to install in small spaces. The installation of a hydronic system is much more labor intensive and costs more for materials. However, for larger systems, you will probably save more money on the heating bill compared to electric warm flooring.

Make sure you work with experienced professionals who also provide system engineering and design services, included detailed CAD drawings. Warmzone is one of the best radiant heat providers that you could hope to find. They will work closely with you to ensure that the radiant snow melting system you install is the absolute best system for your specific needs.

Read Part I of this article

Radiant Heat Has Arrived in Earnest

Electric Radiant Heating Comes in Many Flavors

Although radiant heat has been around for many years now, new technology has paved the way for it to arrive in earnest. There’s no cleaner form of heating than radiant heat. A wire grid (heat cable) installed in the floor provides a totally clean and quiet heat that radiates upward to all those lucky enough to be in the room. There is no blower cycling on and off or the noise that goes with it. And no dust or allergens are blown around either. What there is is clean, silent, comfortable heat. Time marches on. Just as cars today are equipped with more than just an AM radio with big dials, heating systems have advanced to a point where this form of clean, quiet and efficient heat is making a move to become the standard.

Another large advantage of radiant heating is that it is easily zone able. Each room or “zone” can be controlled separately, so if you have rooms that are not used regularly you can turn the heat off or down in those rooms, adding greatly to the efficiency of these systems. This is not something at which a forced air system excels. Radiant floor heating systems typically have thermostats in every room.

ComfortTile floor heating mat, cable and thermostat
ComfortTile floor heating cable in mat and on spools, shown with thermostat.

One of the great things about radiant heating is that technology has provided for its use in many different facets. Did you know that there are radiant roof heating systems that will melt the snow and ice off the roof and gutters? In addition there are driveway snow melting systems that will quietly and efficiently melt the snow and ice off your driveway. Modern technology isn’t just for iPods and iPads. These systems utilize the same type of technology, using low-voltage or line-voltage electric current that runs through heating cable and provides the desired result. These systems are also automated and programmable, and can do their duties when you aren’t even home. There are so many conveniences available to us today at which our parents and grandparents would marvel. Radiant heating is making inroads and it is easy to see why. People are discovering the comfort and efficiency of radiant heating and are adopting it with open arms.

Radiant heating systems can also be installed over existing floors as well. Just because the almost dream home you bought doesn’t have the heating system that would make it the dream home, don’t despair. Heating cable can be installed over the existing floor and a new surface poured over that, thus transforming your almost dream home in to your real dream home. RetroHeat radiant heat systems can also be installed in the floor joists under an existing floor.

With winter knocking on our doors, it’s the season for a snow melting system. Anyone with a snow melting system installed has experienced the joy of driving in to a driveway that has no snow on it when there is snow all around. One might have to try to suppress a smile when your neighbor’s are all snow bound. If you live in an area where snow is a regular concern you can appreciate the convenience of a snow melting system. Perhaps the ultimate dream is that you arrive home from work during a major snow storm and pull into your driveway where all the snow has melted away when it is piling up everywhere else. You park and walk on a sidewalk heated with a snowmelt system, you don’t worry about the ice cycles on the roof above because there aren’t any thanks to a roof snow melting system. You then walk in to the house and take your shoes off and instantly feel the comfort of a warm radiant heated floor. Life is good.

ComfortTile Radiant Heated Floors

Radiant Floor Heat – Give Your Bathroom Floor the “Spa” Treatment

Want the spa treatment without ever leaving home? It’s the perfect time to take the chill out of your bathroom floor with ComfortTile radiant floor heating systems. Easily installed directly under tile, natural stone other surfaces, ComfortTile radiant heat provides comfortable, even floor temperatures, in your bathroom, kitchen, or entryway. Just about anywhere there’s a tiled surface is a great place for the comfort of ComfortTile heated floor mats or cable. And with a low 3/16-inch (3 mm) profile, ComfortTile is a non-evasive project ideal for bathroom renovations.

So how do ComfortTile floor heating systems work? ComfortTile heated floor mats and cable are a form of electric radiant heat. The mats are essentially pre-spaced heat cable woven into an adhesive-backed fiberglass mesh that can be rolled out and installed under the subfloor of any tiled surface. They are connected to an electric power source and, like forced air systems, are controlled by a thermostat. Once activated, ComfortTile heated floors radiate heat from the floor and up through objects in a given room to deliver warm, even temperatures quickly and efficiently.

ComfortTile floor heating mat, cable and thermostat

This efficiency isn’t limited to the time it takes to activate an electric radiant heat system. By installing electric radiant heated floors, you can watch a small investment grow substantially. Radiant heat delivers higher levels of comfort at lower temperatures than conventional forced air systems, without a reliance on natural gas. There are no vents involved, so air pollutants, as well as the costs of duct cleaning and filter changing associated with forced air systems are virtually eliminated.

The good news, of course, is that while their appeal is high, the initial cost of ComfortTile heated floor mat installation is relatively low, so they’re a great way to build equity in your home. Unlike forced air heat, radiant heat installation isn’t an “all-or-nothing” proposition for homeowners either. You have the freedom to install ComfortTile floor mats in one room, or several. The mats are pre-terminated for use with 120 and 240 volts, and are available in various lengths of 24-inch widths to accommodate any layout, making them a flexible, easy-to-install proposition for do-it-yourselfers everywhere.

Warmzone ComfortTile electronic thermostats are specifically designed to control electric radiant floor heating systems for maximum comfort while minimizing power consumption. With Warmzone ComfortTile radiant heated floors, you can heat one room, or heat them all at the same time, if you wish. The system can be coordinated with your habits, so you get heat where you are, when you need it, without being subjected to drafts, dramatic fluctuations in temperature, and large heating bills.

It’s never too late to benefit from the warmth and luxury of a ComfortTile radiant heated floor. Call Warmzone today at 888.488.9276 to find out how Warmzone can partner with you to reach your home improvement objectives.

Warming Your Hardwood Floors

Add Warmth and Luxury to your Wood Floors with FloorHeat
Considering a wall-to-wall carpet to wood floor conversion in your home? When it comes time to choose an electric radiant heat product, don’t forget to include Warmzone’s FloorHeat in your remodeling plans. This state-of-the-art radiant heat technology features an extremely low-profile heating element designed to distribute heat safely, evenly and efficiently. Because of its efficiency, affordability and ease of installation, homeowners are increasingly turning to FloorHeat for use in a wide variety of electric radiant heat applications.

Heated hardwood floor

Just how does it work? FloorHeat is a self-regulating, semi-conductive polyethylene heating element. It coordinates with a thermostat and sensors placed below the subfloor of any hardwood or laminate surface. The best part, of course, is the heat itself—FloorHeat systems radiate heat up through the floor and objects in a room to evenly warm a room, maintaining comfort at temperatures a few degrees lower that those required by a conventional forced-air system. It’s flexible enough to be installed under a variety of surfaces, in a variety of applications.

Available in 9- or 12-inch-wide rolls, FloorHeat is an ultra-thin, flexible heating element that’s very easy to install. It is a very non-evasive application that does not require elaborate duct work or vent installation, making it a safe bet for the do-it-yourselfer. And as true for every Warmzone purchase, it comes with the wisdom and experience of a knowledgeable team of radiant heat experts. They’ll be there every step of the way, from helping you choose the best system for your radiant heat needs and budget, to providing the support you’ll need to successfully install your FloorHeat in your home.

So you’ve already installed wood floors throughout your home, and you’re realizing that even with all of those nice wool throw rugs you’ve purchased, there’s a considerable difference in comfort where wool meets the floor. No need to tear up and start over. You can easily retrofit your floor with FloorHeat radiant heat. RetroHeat panels can be cut to the desired length and safely stapled in between floor joists. After stapling, simply connecting the electrical system, and install batt insulation underneath the panels to direct heat up through the floor.

It’s never too late to benefit from the warmth and luxury of a FloorHeat radiant heated floor. Call Warmzone today at 888.488.9276 to find out how Warmzone can partner with you to reach your home improvement objectives.

Warmzone Radiant Heated Driveways

Install Now and Retire Your Shovel Before the Snow Hits

So if you’ve checked out the Farmer’s Almanac, you’ll see that there’s lots of precipitation ahead for us this winter. If you’re from the Midwest, you’ve probably even got your snow removal service on speed dial. It’s great to be prepared, and nothing can prepare you for heavy, unexpected snow fall like Warmzone’s radiant heated driveway solutions.

Heated tire tracks in residential concrete heated driveway

Radiant heat is one of the most efficient and reliable ways to remove snow from your driveway. The system utilizes sensors that can detect moisture and temperature conditions indicating snow and activate the radiant heat snow melting system before snow accumulates. Your driveway is clear before you ever leave your home in the morning. There’s no heavy shoveling, and no waiting on a snow removal service to come and dig you out.

Heated driveway

Why not spend a fraction of the money you’ll invest in snow removal services in a radiant heated driveway solution for your home? Warmzone provides flexible, snow melting solutions to fit your budget and specific requirements. And, once installed, the cost to melt snow on a 300-square-foot area is mere $0.50 per continuous hour of operation, and the time to melt snow off your driveway, per storm, is usually just a few hours, saving you time, money, and the hassle that comes with coordinating snow removal, whether you have a service or shovel yourself.

Call 888.488.9276 today for more information.

Now is the Time to Install

Beware the Hidden Dangers of Old Man Winter

Sometimes what you can’t see will hurt you. This is especially true of black ice, or ice build-up under snow. Ice is not always visible until it’s too late. Fully automated devices are a standard component of all Warmzone ClearZone snowmelt systems. They detect precipitation and temperature, operating only when needed. With the help of sensors, they are able to detect moisture in the air coupled with low temperatures and turn the system on just before a snow storm hits for maximum performance. Warmzone radiant heat snow melting solutions keep driveways and walkways clear as conditions change, protecting your family from slip and fall injuries on icy steps, walkways and driveways.

Last winter Warmzone added a Chappaqua, New York resident to the growing list of radiant heated driveway installations. A renowned neurologist who practices medicine out of his home, was concerned about his patients and wanted to make his property safe, which would help him to enjoy a more stress free winter. To address the issue, he invested in a Warmzone electric radiant heat solution for the walkways and 8,000 square foot driveway leading up to his home. After a substantial snowfall last year, the doctor remarked, “It looks like there was a blizzard all over—except where I live. Now I go to sleep and watch TV and don’t think about it.”

You could be reaping the benefits of a radiant heat snow melting system too. Now is the perfect time to install a radiant heated driveway. At this time of year, demand for professional radiant heat installation experts increase when the temperatures decrease, so act quickly and you stand to save big on your heated driveway. Call Warmzone to find a solution to your radiant heat needs, and a professional to help you with your installation at 888.488.9276.

WARMZONE – Your Radiant Heating Solutions Begin and End Here

What can be daunting about any radiant heat home improvement project, of course, is where to start. What begins as a simple remodel becomes a full-time job, scheduling contractors, including architects, electricians, and other lay persons for the task at hand. It’s good to know that when you need a radiant heat solutions provider, Warmzone is there with the experts, and the expertise required to tackle literally all of the aspects of a radiant heat project—from the initial consultation, through planning and installation. Warmzone offers up-to-date information about the top quality radiant floor heating and snow melting solutions you’ll need to support just about any radiant heat project. They can design the best solution for you, and direct you to the radiant heat products that best match your needs. Whether you’re interested in heating your driveway, roof or flooring, Warmzone is there to help you complete the job on time, within budget, and to your satisfaction.

Snow melting heat cable laid out for asphalt heated driveway.

Vast Selection of Top Quality, State-of-the-art Radiant Heat Products
Of course, the cornerstone of any Warmzone project is its variety of top quality radiant heat products. When you choose Warmzone, you know you are getting cutting-edge radiant heat technology, backed by the best warranty coverage in the industry. ComfortTile floor heating products use state-of-the-art heat cable, which can be purchased in a spool, or pre-spaced and affixed to an adhesive-backed fiberglass mesh. Other Warmzone offerings, such as FilmHeat panels and In-Slab (SlabHeat) cable are incredibly durable and easy to install. And all of these products, and more, are backed by industry-leading manufacturer warranties.

The size of the Warmzone product portfolio is impressive. From floor heating mats, heat cable and low-voltage heating elements, there are “Best in Class” products available for almost any radiant heat project you can think of. And variety is key, because with the breadth and depth of Warmzone radiant heat product offerings comes freedom of choice. Our experts aren’t just knowledgeable about the products they sell, they understand what it means to meet your expectations and your budget. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach to every radiant heat application, they’ll help you match the best product for your home at the best price. You’ll get sincere, non-biased recommendations and products that are best suited for your particular radiant heating needs.

Complete Radiant Heat Solutions

Do you have big home improvement plans but don’t know where to start? When it comes to radiant heat solutions, if you can conceive it, Warmzone can achieve it. Our professional designers evaluate your radiant heating system from top to bottom and create a detailed CAD of your system layout. You’ll know the electrical requirements, technical specifications and system performance expectations before one foot of cable is installed. We even have a master electrician on staff and available to provide technical support. Sure there’s convenience built-in to this approach—we also see it as a sure fire way to minimize any installation surprises in the short term, to save you time and money in the long term.

Consider our radiant heat specialists as part of your home improvement project team. We’re here for you from start to finish—to answer your questions, provide you with the appropriate resources, and to follow your radiant heat project through to its successful completion. Perhaps that’s why customers continue to turn to
Warmzone, not just for our sage advice but because of our willingness to go the extra mile for our customers. Whether you’re calling to get the answer to a single question, or to get a quote on a radiant heat solution for your home—Warmzone’s knowledgeable, dedicated staff of radiant heat experts is there, offering unbiased information and unwavering support in reaching your radiant heat project objectives.

ComfortTile floor heating mat, cable and thermostat

If you are a do-it-yourselfer, not only the depth and breadth of product offerings will make your project easier, but the resources available to you, from start to finish will make your radiant heat project a slam-dunk! Warmzone is your complete resource for radiant heat products, services and installation support for heated floors, roof deicing and snow melting systems. With Warmzone, you’re never more than just a few clicks away from the solution to your radiant heat home improvement project needs. Our customers can visit, 24/7, for downloadable versions of radiant heat installation manuals, user guides, installation diagrams and more.

When it comes to providing radiant heat snow melting and floor heating products and services, no one can match the comprehensive offerings of Warmzone. Are you gearing up for that next radiant heat project at home? Don’t wait until the chill hits, contact Warmzone at 888.488.9276 and get started!

Automated Snow Sensors

High-Tech Snow Switches for Heated Driveways and Roof Deicing Systems

Are you contemplating radiant heat for your next home improvement project? Equipped with high-tech snow switches, radiant heated driveways and gutter systems are fully automated, making them efficient and effortless when it comes to snow removal.

The automated snow switch detects temperature and moisture conditions to initiate ice- and snow melting systems at the first signs of inclement weather. Depending upon what you’re heating, there are two general types of sensors.

A pavement mount snow sensor

An in-pavement (ground) sensor mounts in the concrete, asphalt, or pavers of your driveway or walkways, making it very indicative and accurate of the driveway conditions and includes many programmable features including:

  • Electronic on/off control up to 11 KW
  • 2 zone control with zones that can be individually controlled
  • Economical control
  • Temperature and moisture detection
  • Control of electrical or hydronic (water-based) ice and snow melting systems

The aerial mounted snow sensor activates your snow melting system only when needed. These sensors are typically mounted on the roof, and automatically triggers your heated driveway or gutter snowmelt system when it detects precipitation and temperatures are below 39°F. Smart system compatible, the sensor has several other notable features, including adjustable temperature trigger point, adjustable delay off cycle, and upgradeable remote activation.

Aerial mount snow sensor

That’s great, you say, but I have a snow removal service already, so why pay for a fancy system? Snow fall is unpredictable. Sometimes you wake up to the stuff, and sometimes it accumulates throughout the day. Snow removal services are certainly very handy, but they can’t compete with the reliability and efficiency of an automated radiant heated driveway system. With an automated radiant heated driveway or gutter system, it’s like having your very own snow melting service on call, 24/7. There’s no waiting involved, and no slippery patches of ice that got overlooked. Automated snowmelt systems only run when it’s snowing, eliminating residual or standby operation costs involved with snow removal services. And most importantly, they offer the peace of mind that comes with knowing your driveway and walkways are completely clear of ice and snow.

If you’re not sure how an automated snow melting switch fits into your radiant heat snow melting project, take heart. Warmzone has the experience and expertise you’ll need to meet your project requirements, and can configure an automated snow melting system with your needs and budget in mind. To discover more about radiant heat snow melting systems, contact 888.488.9276 today.

Roof Heating Solutions

Melt Snow and Ice With a Radiant Roof Heating System
Radiant heated roof and gutter heating systems can dramatically enhance the life span of your roof and protect it from damage caused by heavy snow and ice accumulation. Older buildings are a visible testament to the damaging effects of roof ice and snow that can destroy fronts, roofs, drainpipes, and gutters. Roofs that have substandard support structures, and such shortcomings can enable water to enter the building. As technology improves insulation value, there is less heat gain from inside of the building, causing an increased hazard of ice damage and damming on the roof. Once winter frost sets in, damage is often inevitable. Flat roofs on industrial buildings often give in to excessive weight loads generated by accumulations of ice and snow. This can be prevented by installing a quality heated roof and gutter deicing system, eliminating potential damage from snow and ice buildup.

Working with Warmzone on your roof heating system installation allows you to shop a number systems, and find the solution that is right for your home and your budget. Warmzone’s low-voltage roof heating system is another excellent solution for melting snow and ice from roof eaves, valleys, and entire roofs. The RoofHeat STEP deicing system features an extremely thin, self-regulating, semi-conductive polyethylene heating element. Embedded between two layers of vinyl, the panel is protected against UV rays, alkaline or other potential physical damages for durability.

Roof deicing system heating roof edges and valley

What’s great about Roofheat STEP is its versatility. It can be installed under new or existing asphalt, shake, or tile shingles, and is ideal for new construction as well as remodeling projects. Available in rolls 9 or 12-inches wide, the lightweight heating panel can be cut to size, and nailed or stapled through the existing roof, making installation quicker and easier than other traditional roof heating systems.

You can never predict the weather, but with a Warmzone roof heating system, you can often predict the outcome. Prepare now and say goodbye to pesky snow buildup and ice damming for good. To find out more about the Warmzone roof heating system, request a FREE quote or contact us at 888.488.9276.

Eco-friendly Heated Driveways

Heated driveways from Warmzone do more than just melt snow and ice from driveways and sidewalks, the snow and ice melt systems help preserve your landscaping by eliminating the need to use harmful salt and chemicals. In a nutshell, having an “eco-friendly” Warmzone snowmelt system is a way to protect the environment in your corner of the world. That may sound like an outrageous claim, but the facts are clear.

According to Spring-Green, a recognized leader in the professional lawn and tree care industry, salt spread over asphalt and sidewalks to melt snow and ice damages lawns and landscape plants. When salt products are spread over streets and walkways, the salt inevitably splashes onto nearby foliage. The sodium chloride burns the plants and gets absorbed by the plants’ root systems.

Spring-Green also states that using alternate ice-melt products aren’t the answer either. Commercial products contain potassium chloride which has a lower burn rate than sodium chloride, but fails to effectively melt the ice. What these alternate snow and ice melt products do is break the bond between the ice and the surface below, making it easier for you to remove the ice manually.

Warmzone heated driveways and snowmelt systems are the best option to melt the ice and protect your landscaping. The radiant heat systems don’t use any harmful chemicals, and they efficiently melt the ice and snow so you don’t have to break your back shoveling snow.

Snow melting systems can be installed in almost any driveway and can be retrofitted into existing concrete and asphalt. These energy efficient, eco-friendly systems feature state-of-the-art technology, but are surprisingly affordable and easy to install for any contractor or do-it-yourself expert.

Warmzone carries both low- and line-voltage snow melting systems and will help you determine which system is best for your specific project. A variety of manual and automated radiant heat systems are available to keep snow clear of your walkways and driveway 24 hours a day. Wake up in the morning and relax while the automatic heated driveway prevent snow and ice buildup, or come home from a winter weekend vacation to a snow-free driveway and clear access to your garage.

Contact us to learn more about environmentally-safe heated driveways and snowmelt systems. Warmzone snowmelt experts can help you design a heated driveway, snowmelt system or heated floor system that’s best for your property.

Call 888.488.WARM (9276).

Add Radiant Heat to Existing Floors

How and Why RetroHeat Works for You

The heat of July is fully upon us. It’s getting harder to imagine a time when the air conditioner was turned off and the heat was on full, but it wasn’t too long ago, and now it’s not too far in the future. It’s time to think about how you’re going to heat your home this coming winter, and a RetroHeat floor heating system from Warmzone is one of the best radiant floor heating options available.

RetroHeat is a cost-effective, easy-to-install product that is a great project for you to manage on your own. If you have clear open access to the floor joists of the room you would like to heat, then installing radiant heat is a snap. If you would love to add underfloor heating to a room but don’t want to destroy your beautiful home to do so, RetroHeat is the clear solution. A roll of RetroHeat paneling can add heat to a room that didn’t have it before, without ripping existing floor structures. Simply staple the heating panel between the floor joists, followed by a layer of insulation and ka-pow! You’ve got yourself a radiant heated floor.

RetroHeat installed to heat existing tile floor
The RetroHeat floor heating system features a thin, film heating element that can be stapled up between floor joists to heat the existing floor above.

Any type of floor can benefit from RetroHeat’s floor warming system. The carpet in your living room, the hardwood on your walkways, the tile in your kitchen; all of these are capable of being made more cozy with the RetroHeat floor heating system. A simple-to-understand heating thermostat gives you complete control over temperature and time release.

If a RetroHeat project seems like the right fit, the unbiased experts at Warmzone are the most knowledgeable to work with, and they’ll help you design the system that will work best for you. Radiant floor heat is a great solution if you would rather not spend money on a new circulating air system. RetroHeat floor heating systems warm the ground beneath your feet rather than the air above your head.

RetroHeat’s benefits aren’t only cost and ease of installation. The heating panels are energy efficient, thin and lightweight. No energy is wasted in heating air and then blowing it through the house; instead, the energy is directly transferred to your floors. Because of their unique installation, no floor buildup is necessary.

Stapling up RetroHeat floor heating element

Maybe there’s a room in your house that has always seemed colder than the others, or a late addition that didn’t get the same insulation as the rest of your house. Or maybe you want to warm your cold tile so that you can walk barefoot through your house in the winter. Whatever the issue, RetroHeat is an excellent floor heating solution.

Questions? Call a radiant heat professional at 888.488.9276.

Heating Professionals Seek Out Warmzone

More than a luxury, electric radiant heating systems are increasingly becoming part of the menu of products and services offered by hydronic and HVAC professionals. In 2010, hydronic and HVAC professionals were Warmzone’s top customers. The good news—whether you’re incorporating electric radiant heat into a new residential construction project, or embarking on a home improvement project, your chances of finding a Warmzone partner are just a phone call away.

Why are HVAC and hydronic professionals partnering with Warmzone? Warmzone is committed to the success of commercial contractors and customers, and strives to offer the best radiant products, plus professionals who can help with all of the aspects of a project to make the sale and installation run as smoothly as possible. And just like the professionals, as a Warmzone customer you also have access to radiant heat designers, master electricians and hydronic specialists with the in-house expertise necessary to plan and execute just about any radiant heat project within your scope and budget. These heat experts have the most industry experience and the ability to provide non-biased radiant heat information based on your needs.

The comfort, convenience and the technology behind radiant heat systems have helped to create the perception of luxury and exclusivity. Why not put this perception to good use for your next home improvement project by investing in electric radiant heat? It’s a unique selling point, an impressive comfort and convenience feature, and a potential equity booster for homeowners. More than a little luxury, radiant heat is becoming a homeowner’s necessity in today’s economy. You’ll be surprised (and pleased) to discover how efficient, from an operational standpoint, and how truly affordable these systems really are. For a small initial investment, the cost and convenience of electric radiant heat can really pay off in the long term.

Electric radiant heat is becoming a mainstay in world of hydronic and HVAC technology because it provides a safer, cleaner, greener alternative to traditional systems. It derives its power from electricity rather than costly fossil fuels. With the help of sensors and a zone-specific thermostat, radiant heat enables homeowners to selectively heat rooms quickly, where it’s needed most, and realize an energy savings in rooms where it isn’t. Unlike forced air systems, radiant heat radiates up through the floor and objects to warm a room. It’s quick, efficient and instantaneous. There’s no hot air or air ducts involved, so there’s no blowing allergens and other contaminates to compromise air quality, making radiant heat a safer choice for home environments.

Warmzone has many products to fill many heating needs. Call an expert today at 888.488.9276 for help designing a floor heating or snow melting system, to buy products, or just to learn more about radiant heat.

High Quality and Low Prices

Why Warmzone is a Leader in Radiant Heat Products and Services

Warmzone is earning its reputation as the highest quality radiant heat source in the business. With the launch of Warmzone’s new, streamlined website, as well as the company’s impressive roster of heat systems, coupled with computer aided designs (CADs) and the wealth of information and insider designer talent, Warmzone is constantly leaving the rest of the competition out in the cold.

Radiant heated driveway

Warmzone’s new website was launched with one goal in mind – putting information and easy contact into the hands of the consumers. According to Warmzone VP of Sales and Product Development, Brandon Weaver, consumers deserve to have as much current radiant heat information as possible at their fingertips. “Homeowners are carefully researching and comparing before making any significant purchases nowadays,” Weaver explained. was designed to make that research easier. Warmzone’s revamped website is the one-stop resource to learn about the newest in radiant floor heating systems and snow melting systems, as well as the place to request a free quote.

There are two ways on the website to get in contact with Warmzone and ask the questions that you, as a homeowner, need to know. The first way is to log on to the Warmzone website and click on “Request a Quote.” From that page, it’s easy to find information on the product that is most important to your specific needs. The other way to contact Warmzone is simple: Click on the “Contact Us” link. Answering a few questions on that page will help a Warmzone expert set you on the right path to a warmer home or snowmelt system.

Warmzone Offers Top Products

Why Warmzone is the Leader (Part II)

Warmzone takes pride in its impressive roster of products designed to suit every need. Not only can Warmzone heat your hardwood floors and kitchen tiles, but they also provide snow melting systems, roof deicers, and Runtal energy-efficient wall-mount heaters. Warmzone’s innovative approach is to use many of the top brands and types of product, which helps keep heating solutions at prices you can afford. As the premier provider of radiant heating systems, Warmzone wants to warm you from the ground up, and they have solutions that can target any type of floor or snow melting solution.

With all of the different types of industry-leading heat solutions at their fingertips, Warmzone experts and designers employ easy-to-read and understand Computer-Aided Designs that explain exactly how the project will be envisioned. This CAD is not only crucial to finding the best way to heat your home, it’s also a time and money-saver that makes sure the project is sound from any angle. Every single Warmzone system is custom designed from CADs to fit your home and your wallet’s needs.

Sample layout of a radiant floor heating system

The people at Warmzone are especially climate-attuned. Every expert and designer is fully aware of the environment and our increasing dependence on harmful energy sources, which is why Warmzone is an advocate of green, renewable energy. Warmzone emphasizes green energy in the products that they carry, as well as how those supplies are shipped. Most companies ship from manufacturer’s to their own warehouses, and then from those warehouses, to the customer – but to cut down on gas emissions and customer shipping cost, almost all the materials Warmzone uses can be shipped directly, from manufacturer to customer.

Warmzone is committed to finding you a solution that will help you find warmth in your life. Whether you need to keep your driveway free of snow, or your feet toasty as you enjoy breakfast with your family, Warmzone has the solution that will make your day cozier.

Request a FREE quote or call 888.488.9276 today.

Premier Radiant Heat Solutions