Warmzone Growth Continues

Warmzone Moves Headquarters to Larger Facility

Salt Lake City, Utah (PR WEB) – March 2, 2012Warmzone, a leading provider of radiant heat solutions has announced that it is moving its corporate headquarters from downtown Salt Lake City to a much larger facility in Draper, Utah on March 5, 2012. Located just 18 miles south of the old Warmzone headquarters, the new facility boasts greater office space and increased warehouse capabilities.

In spite of the sluggish economy and recent economic challenges, Warmzone has continued to experience growth, necessitating the move into a larger building. The new facility will allow Warmzone to significantly increase the amount of inventory it has in its Utah facility, which will ultimately translate into even quicker service for Warmzone customers.

“We feel fortunate that we’ve been able to grow our business in these difficult times,” stated Executive Vice President, Brandon Weaver, “and we attribute the growth to our superior customer service and support. In today’s economy, people are demanding more in an effort to stretch their dollars, and it’s not enough to just offer competitive pricing. Businesses have to earn customers’ trust and provide expert service from beginning to end.”

In addition to Warmzone’s preeminent customer services, the company offers a wide variety of proven radiant heating solutions, ranging from heated driveways and floor heating solutions to roof deicing and portable snow melting systems. This allows Warmzone to offer the ideal solution for the unique needs of each customer. Every project is carefully evaluated and designed prior to any installation. Given the wide product offering and renowned customer services, Warmzone’s growth seems a natural progression.

“We’re looking forward to settling into the new building,” Weaver added. “The move will certainly benefit our customers. One thing’s for certain,” he concluded, “we will continue to focus on what got us here, and that’s our superior products and our industry leading service.”

Warmzone Continues Growth

Warmzone Moves Headquarters to Larger Facility

Salt Lake City, Utah – March 2, 2012 – Warmzone, a leading provider of radiant heat solutions has announced that it is moving its corporate headquarters from downtown Salt Lake City to a much larger facility in Draper, Utah on March 5, 2012. Located just 18 miles south of the old Warmzone headquarters, the new facility boasts greater office space and increased warehouse capabilities.

In spite of the sluggish economy and recent economic challenges, Warmzone has continued to experience growth, necessitating the move into a larger building. The new facility will allow Warmzone to significantly increase the amount of inventory it has in its Utah facility, which will ultimately translate into even quicker service for Warmzone customers.

“We feel fortunate that we’ve been able to grow our business in these difficult times,” stated Executive Vice President, Brandon Weaver, “and we attribute the growth to our superior customer service and support. In today’s economy, people are demanding more in an effort to stretch their dollars, and it’s not enough to just offer competitive pricing. Businesses have to earn customers’ trust and provide expert service from beginning to end.”

In addition to Warmzone’s preeminent customer services, the company offers a wide variety of proven radiant heating solutions. This allows Warmzone to offer the ideal solution for the unique needs of each customer. Every project is carefully evaluated and designed prior to any installation. Given the wide product offering and renowned customer services, Warmzone’s growth seems a natural progression.

“We’re looking forward to settling into the new building,” Weaver added. “The move will certainly benefit our customers. One thing’s for certain,” he concluded, “we will continue to focus on what got us here, and that’s our superior products and our industry leading service.”

Make a Heated Driveway Work for You

The Days of Manual Snow Removal are Over
Seriously consider a life without back breaking snow removal. Can you picture it? Are you smiling? Well, having a radiant snow melting system right outside your front door makes that snow-removal-less life possible. If you put a heated driveway to work for you, chances are you’ll enjoy winter a whole lot more.

It doesn’t take much effort or upfront cost to make a radiant heated driveway possible either. Radiant snow melting systems are a simple addition to any new driveway as they can be installed before the concrete, pavers or asphalt goes down. But if you have an existing driveway you don’t need to lose heart because heated driveways can also be retrofitted in your current asphalt or concrete driveway.

Radiant heated driveway

Radiant heated driveways eliminate the back breaking, hand shoveling, sweating work of manual snow removal. Heated driveway systems are fully automated, so feel free to sleep in or enjoy your morning coffee from the warmth of your living room. When temperatures are below a set point (usually 39°F) and the snow sensor (pictured right⇒) detects moisture, it signals the controller which then sends power to the heat cables, outputting a steady stream of warmth to keep your driveway clear of snow and ice. Once the snow flakes hit the warmed surface they don’t have a chance to accumulate as they melt on impact, leaving you with a heated driveway constantly clear of snow. The snow is left to accumulate where it is more appreciated, like your front yard (for optimal snowball fights and snowman building) or even your next door neighbor’s driveway.

If you’ve told your neighbors about your heated driveway and they still haven’t installed a radiant snow melting system of their own, you have every right to silently snicker at them as you watch from the warmth of your front window as they huff and puff to remove their snow by hand. If you make a heated driveway work for you, your snow removal days are over. Forever.

Outdoor Radiant Heat Systems

As radiant heated floors have gained new popularity, so too have heated driveways and radiant snow melting systems. Homeowners are discovering the advantages of automated snow melting systems and ditching their snow shovels and bags of salt. And businesses are getting in on the act too.

Radiant snow melting systems have proven to be invaluable for ramps, loading docks and pedestrian walkways. Employees can focus on their jobs instead of taking time out to shovel snow during the winter months, and liability for slips and falls on icy sidewalks is greatly diminished. The increased safety and productivity far outweigh the costs, as businesses continue to seek out radiant heat snow melting solutions.

Home settings like steps, patios or sidewalks that lead to a hot tub are popular applications for snow melting systems. Hydronic or electric snow melting systems can be installed for both heated sidewalks/driveways or heated floors. While radiant snow melting systems are typically installed in new construction applications, radiant heat can also be installed in existing driveways and sidewalks.

Snow melting system installed under pavers

Using saw-cut technology, grooves can be cut into concrete or asphalt surfaces and heat cable can then be placed in the grooves. An epoxy topcoat is then applied to seal the heat cable in the grooves. A sand broadcast can be applied to the surface before the epoxy cures if you want additional traction and safety.

Heat cable can also be placed on top of an old asphalt driveway and then a new layer of asphalt is then applied on top of that and compacted. (ClearZone heat cable is designed to withstand the extreme temperature and stress of asphalt applications.)

Radiant snow melting systems can be customized and installed in countless numbers of snow melting applications. Call a Warmzone radiant heat expert to learn more today, 888.488.9276.

Save Yourself a Fall Off Your Roof; Install Heated Gutters

Heated Gutters Keep Ice and Debris Clear So You Don’t Have Too

This is a true story. When I was a girl I looked out my bedroom window one winter afternoon and found my dad lying next to an oak tree in our front yard in direct line of our roof. I opened my window to inquire about his health (mental and physical). After a moment, he groaned that he had fallen off our roof. Needless to say, the roof was not a heated roof.

Upon further investigation I saw that the gutters just outside my window had perfect hand grips pulled down where my dad had tried to catch himself as he slipped off the two story roof. Having a roof de-icing system would have prevented his fall since he would never have had to be up there in the first place. The poor guy was trying to clear the gutters and roof from ice and snow when, like so many people do, he slipped and went right off to the ground below. Luckily his injuries were fairly minor, but the soreness of his body reminded him he didn’t need to do that trip to the roof again mid-winter. Installing gutter trace heat cables keeps your roof and gutters clear of slippery ice and snow and allows your feet to remain firmly planted on the ground, where they belong.

This afternoon I heard of another friend’s father falling off a ladder while attempting to gain access to his roof for the same purpose. Also a non-heated roof and also a slippery trap waiting to lure one into its clutches. His injuries were more serious than my dad’s. He sustained a head fracture as well as a broken back. Having a heated roof is not only convenient it’s also much, much safer. I’m sure we all have horror stories of being on the roof, either personally or someone close to us. Be safe, make the smart homeowner’s choice and put a roof deicing system in place and enjoy the safety of a heated roof and gutter trace system.

What’s not to Love About a Heated Driveway?

Radiant Heated Driveways Boast Many Perks

Seriously people, what’s not to love about having a heated driveway leading to your domicile? You literally say goodbye to back breaking snow removal after ever single snow storm for the rest of your life. You should love your radiant heated driveway for that perk alone, but it does so much more.

Heated driveway

Having a heated driveway allows you to stash your snow shovel, snow blower, salt and deicing products. No more harsh chemicals to keep the ice away since your radiant heated driveway will do that for you. So in a round about way it even helps keep the environment clean, by avoiding cruel environmentally toxic products.

Radiant heated driveways are cropping up everywhere. They are a sound investment to any new home construction and a valuable resale home improvement project to your lived in and loved in home. The costs are more minimal that you might imagine as the technology is perfected and the competition more savvy, pushing everyone to improve on the radiant heating cables being used as well as the overall cost to the end users. There are so many pros to using a heated driveway system that you’ll honestly never have an answer to the question above. You’ll love everything about having a heated driveway. Everything

Heated Sidewalks is a Smart Business Choice

Cut Snow Removal Labor Costs and Increase Pedestrian Safety with Radiant Heat

Most of us may associate a radiant snow melting system with a heated driveway. Why not apply the same smart technology that comes in a snowmelt system, to a sidewalk? Pedestrian safety is key when running a business or taking care of public buildings such as schools or libraries. Using a radiant snow melting system underneath a sidewalk would be a significant perk to any existing or new project where pedestrian traffic is being taken into account. Having walks clear of snow at all times would increase traffic and safety.

Radiant snow melting systems are relatively affordable and save you in the long run when it comes to snow removal cost and headaches. The fully automated snow melting systems are simple to maintain because they require no human intervention. They do however come with a manual override should you ever need to melt a snow drift that collected on your driveway or ice that formed in some shade.

Radiant snow melting systems utilize radiant heat beneath the concrete or asphalt to help keep walks clear of snow and ice. This makes walking much safer for pedestrians in cold climates. Each snow melting system can be customized to meet your specific project needs and they fit in uniquely shaped areas as well. Using a snow melting system anywhere there are pedestrians is a sure way to keep everyone safe and dry

The Snow. The Heated Driveway. The Melting.

Radiant Heated Driveways Make Snow Removal So Simple

Every day it snows millions of us curse its accumulation. We point our fist to the sky, shaking it with fury and scream WHY? ENOUGH ALREADY! MAKE IT STOP!!! It’s not that we don’t enjoy the beauty of snow or the extremely fun winter sports that it allows, it’s just that, well, we’re sick to death of shoveling, snow plowing, slipping, sliding, falling, and wishing it would just melt on its own. The oversimplification of snow removal is possible. First you get the snow, then the heated driveway , and then oh heavenly day, the melting. Once a radiant heated driveway is installed the hard work is over.

Heated driveway and parking entrance

It does sound simple. Maybe a little too simple, but the beauty of it is that it’s real and exists. A heated driveway takes the once burdensome snow and makes it pretty again. You can sit back and watch it fall without a single curse word uttered or fist shaking. A radiant heated driveway does all the work for you.

These fully automated systems activate when temperatures reach a certain set point and precipitation is detected. There’s no labor involved. The systems also feature manual override capability in case you want to turn on the heated driveway to melt a snow drift or if some ice somehow formed in the shade. All in all, these heated driveway systems couldn’t be easier or more reliable

Are you Ready for a Heat Wave in Winter?

Radiant Heated Floors Mean You Enjoy Heat Year Round

About this time of year, we all start getting twitchy about the cold. The charm of white snowy fields twinkling in the afternoon sun, or snowmen in our neighbor’s yards is starting to wear thin. Sunshine and sand start to seem like a valid prescription from your physician. Sigh. Most of us still have a few months more to endure winter’s icy kiss. If you are like me and crave a heat wave in the middle of winter, read on. Radiant heated floors provide steady, comforting, soothing warmth all year long. It’s true, you can have a mini-heat wave in the privacy of your own home.

Heated floors once seemed like a concept reserved for the days of flying cars and honeymoons on the moon. Thanks to many advances in radiant heat and the common and practical uses of this efficient type of heating, homes are cropping up all over the place with radiant heated floors. Smiling people are waking up everyday to their private heat wave, dressed in nothing but a robe. Socks or slippers need not apply in these homes. Bare toes and skin to floor contact are all the rage. Stepping onto a ComfortTile radiant heated floor just feels good. Having a heated floor may not sound like a substitute to a week in a tropical location, but if you are lucky enough to get somewhere the birds are chirping and the waves are lapping the beach, then coming home won’t seem so bad. After all, you have heated floors now. Can’t you just see yourself smiling about that fact?

Heated Driveways and Snow Melting Systems (Part I)

Whether you’ve been living comfortably in your house for years or you are building a new home, installing a radiant heated driveway is a viable option for you. Certainly it is more practical to install a radiant snow melting system during the initial construction phase of a driveway, but unknown to some homeowners is that both asphalt and concrete driveways can be retrofitted with electric radiant heat systems.

Hydronic Snow Melting Systems

There are two types of driveway heating systems available today: hydronic systems and electric systems. Hydronic snow melting systems utilize a mixture of water and propylene glycol (anti-freeze) that circulates through a closed-loop network of flexible polymer (Pex) tubing that is installed in the concrete or asphalt. The liquid is heated by a water heater/boiler and then circulated through the Pex tubing by a pump to heat the driveway and melt snow. The condensing boiler (water heater) can be powered by any energy source, including natural gas, electricity, oil, wood, or even solar collectors. Because of this, hydronic snowmelt systems can offer a slightly lower operating cost than electric systems, especially for large snow melting applications.

Warmzone hydronic systems feature highly efficient condensing boilers with an Energy Star Rating as well as industry leading pumps, valves and tubing. Unfortunately, when it comes to retrofitting a driveway with hydronic radiant heat, the only way to accomplish this is to tear out the old driveway and install a new one.

Electric Heated Driveways

Electric radiant snow melting systems are easier and cheaper to install than their hydronic counterpart. Both existing concrete and asphalt driveways can be retrofitted with electric radiant heat.

Heated sidewalks being installed

Electric snow melting systems utilize specially engineered ClearZone heat cable that is available on spools or pre-spaced in mats that can be easily rolled out during installation in concrete, asphalt or under brick and stone paver driveways and sidewalks. The ClearZone cable is UL listed and consists of a twin conductor with FEP/XLPE insulation and polyolefin jacketing that provides flexibility and excellent UV protection. The heat cable is rated at 220°F and has a minimum 10-year warranty. Designed to produce 30-50 watts per square foot, ClearZone radiant heat cable has the quickest response time (time to heat the driveway upon system startup) of any snow melting system on the market. Because electric snowmelt systems do not rely on heating water heater before pumping the liquid through PEX tubing, the response time is considerably less than that of hydronic systems.

Fully Automated Snow Melting Systems

The fully automated driveway heating system features heat cable, a control unit (controller), and a high-performance snow sensor (activation device). One of two types of sensors (aerial or pavement mount) can be installed, depending on the project. Aerial mount sensors are typically used for residential heated driveways while pavement mount snow sensors are more commonly used in large commercial snow melting applications.

When the snow sensor detects precipitation and temperatures are below a designated set point (usually set at 39 F), the sensor signals the master control unit, initiating startup of the snow melting system. While the driveway snow melting system is fully automated, it can also be activated manually. The controller includes a manual override function for times when snowdrifts or ice forms because of wind or shaded areas. Another especially attractive feature of electric heated driveways is that the systems do not feature any moving parts, so they are virtually maintenance free and extremely reliable.

 Read Heated Driveways and Snow Melting Systems Part II

Heated Driveways and Snow Melting Systems (Part II)

Continued from Part I

Installing an Electric Radiant Snow Melting System
To install a ClearZone snow melting system in concrete, the driveway is first prepared for the concrete pour, including the placement of rebar or remesh. The durable heat cable is then secured to the wire remesh or rebar with zip ties and then the concrete is poured. Concrete seats or “Mesh-Ups” are often used with wire remesh to ensure proper positioning of the cable.

In addition to the heavy stress of fresh concrete pours, ClearZone cable is also designed to withstand the extreme temperatures of hot asphalt applications. The cable is laid out and then the asphalt is applied on top and then compacted, resulting in a discreet, maintenance free asphalt heated driveway. You can lay out the mats or space the cable yourself, but it’s important that a qualified electrician connect the wiring for the snow melting system.

Retrofitting Existing Driveways with Radiant Heat
To heat an existing asphalt driveway, the process is surprisingly simple. The cable is laid on top of the old asphalt and then the new layer of asphalt is applied on top and then compacted. Retrofitting a concrete driveway with radiant heat is a more tedious affair. Grooves are cut in the existing concrete, using concrete saw-cut technology, and the heat cable is then placed in the freshly cut grooves. An epoxy topcoat is then applied over the newly embedded cable sealed to seal the heating cable. A sand broadcast can be applied to the surface before the epoxy cures for additional traction and safety. Saw cut technology can also be used for retrofitting asphalt driveways if desired.

Retrofitting a truck ramp with radiant heat snow melting system

Radiant Snow Melting System Options
There are several options when it comes to installing a radiant snow melting system. For example, you can heat the entire area of a driveway, or perhaps just an 8-foot strip in the middle or just a pair of 2-foot-wide tire tracks. Radiant heated driveways and snowmelt systems can be tailor made for virtually any of your snow and ice melting needs. The applications are limited only by your imagination, and the experts at Warmzone will work closely with you to determine the best system for your needs.

Eliminate the need for the use of harsh snow melting chemicals and prolong the life of your driveway with an environmentally friendly radiant snow melting system. Not only can installing a radiant snow melting system increase the value of your home, but it will also increase pedestrian safety. So enhance your safety and peace of mind by calling Warmzone and learning about the options of installing an automated snow melting system today.

Heated Driveway – Your Boss’s Best Friend

You’re Late for a Very Important Date and Snow is to Blame
Do you spend more time making up excuses as to why you are late than you actually do in being on time to your appointments, dates, yoga class, and work? We all have those lists in our head of excuses to our boss or our kid’s soccer coach about why we are late yet again. It’s never easy having to use these excuses. Your number one wintertime excuse of shoveling a foot of snow off your driveway could be a thing of the past however. You can eliminate snow shoveling from your “oh geez, am I late again? So sorry…” routine.

Heated tire tracks in residential concrete heated driveway

Installing a heated driveway is now easier than ever. It’s also a cost-effective, proven home re-sell enhancing feature. Equipping a home with a technologically sound and savvy snow melting system has become a popular and affordable way to beat the snow. Look at the homes in your own neighborhood. Many of them probably already enjoy the benefits of a snow melting system. If they do, they are never late for a date or any other function because of back breaking snow removal. Their driveways remain clear and clean of sticking snow all winter.

Driveway heating has come a long way. It’s no longer something seen exclusively in the affluent neighborhoods or touted by the rich and famous. Heated driveways are now something your sister’s best friend just installed, your son’s basketball coach, your co-workers, next door neighbor or even your kid brother who you were sure was never going to own a home let alone increase its value with something as smart as a snow melting system. Get out of hot water with your boss, pull out of your driveway on-time and relaxed as you calmly wave at your less fortunate neighbors sweating and shoveling out from last night’s whopper of a snow storm. Install a snow melting system right now and start enjoying the benefits of a stress-free, time-saving heated driveway

Premier Radiant Heat Solutions