Jazz Up Your Floors with Radiant Heat

Heated Floors are Jazzy and Snazzy

Word with “z’s” are fun. Say them with me…buzz, fizz, zipper. Installing heated floors means you can add a couple of “z” words to your conversations. You can subtly (or not so subtly) interject into conversations how you have jazzy and/or snazzy floors that produce epic warmth and comfort. You may get a few raised eyebrows or muffled conversations behind your back but you’ll be the one laughing as you walk merrily across your jazzy heated floors.

Heated hardwood floor

Radiant heated floors are gaining speed in popularity and don’t just jazz up your floors but they save you money down the road as your energy bills diminish thanks to the efficient heating power. Heated floors have a lot of impact in cold basements, tiled entryways, bathrooms, and kitchens. These spaces usually have cold spots but with radiant heat the warmth oozes (another word with Z!) around every nook and cranny creating crazy (Z, la, la, la) comfort. Heated floors create a cozy place for you to walk barefoot and enjoy the new found efficient heat that radiant heat can offer. Even if you are not a fan of Jazz music, you can agree that jazzing anything up deserves a little celebration so put on a record and zip around your floor with nothing on your feet but radiant heat and jazzy joy.

The Path of Least Resistance is a Heated Driveway

Driveway Heating Eliminates the Heavy Lifting

Can we all agree that the path of least resistance is the most desirable path? It’s not that we’re lazy, it’s just that, well…we’re smart. Right? Smart people find ways to do tasks faster and simpler. Here’s a tip on following the path of least resistance: Try installing a heated driveway. You can thank us later, but seriously, having a heated driveway eliminates all the heavy lifting you usually dread when the winter comes swinging in with its white fury.

Following this path of least resistance allows you to kick back and enjoy the winter from the warmth of your family room. Driveway heating means that radiant heat cables will work on the snow removal quietly and effectively so you can enjoy more time with your family, working, and playing. Once you have driveway heating installed you simply hook up your automatic snow sensor and kick back while the snow melts seamlessly into your lawns and gutters. The heavy snow shovel full of mushy, wet snow is a thing of the past and suddenly you’ll find yourself actually enjoying winter. You might look forward to a big snow storm, taking in the sweeping views of white just outside your front window rather than cursing at the sky for adding one more thing to you to-do list. Driveway heating eliminates the heavy lifting for sure but it also eliminates the stress and strain on your mental and physical well being, because you don’t have to deal with any snow accumulation on your driveways or sidewalks.

Free Yourself from the Burden of Snow Removal

Winter Brings Enough Worries, Driveway Heating Can Help

Snow removal can become such a burden during a long winter. Snow blowers work overtime, your gloves stay soggy, and your goggles form ice crystals that are hard to chip free for each use. Free yourself and your loved ones from the burden of snow removal by installing a heated driveway. Radiant snow melting is an easy way to enjoy your cold snowy winters. Heated driveways do the work so you don’t have too, keeping the radiant cables warm under your driveway so the snow melts on impact and you enjoy a clear driveway even during the heaviest of storms.

Winter presents treacherous driving, skiing and sledding accidents, worries about slipping and breaking bones and plenty of other worries. If you have a heated driveway one worry you can cross off your list is snow removal. You can store your shovels and snow blowers for your neighbors to borrow in a pinch or lend them a hand if you feel sorry enough for them. Chances are they will see you sitting inside each time they shovel their own driveways and will be quick to ask you what your secret is. Heated driveways are catching on like a toasty wildfire simply because they are so convenient and affordable. And let’s face it; we could all use one less thing to worry about in this busy world.

These Sidewalks Will Never Look the Same

Radiant Heating Cables Offer Simple Sidewalk Snow Removal

Municipal and county buildings are leading out in a fast growing trend. Schools and public buildings everywhere are enjoying the added benefits during the winter of radiant snow melting systems. Paying staff specifically to get up early and clear the snow for public consumption is getting harder to do with tighter budgets and worry about public safety. Having a snow melting system in place does the job perfectly and ensures the snow will be melted for even the earliest bird trudging to work or walking their dog.

Heated sidewalks

Radiant snow melting systems can be controlled and powered from a central location and cover blocks of property. They are ideal for schools, libraries, loading docks, city buildings, and office buildings as they keep everyone safe and sidewalks are always clear of snow. Sidewalks with snow melting systems will never look the same because they will always be clean and safe thanks to the consistent warming the heat cables lying just under the surface. The snow can fall in droves but it will never accumulate on a warmed surface and the public never has to worry about slipping, sloshing, or sliding around on unsafe, un-shoveled sidewalks. Radiant heating cables are a simple solution but nonetheless a solution more and more people are finding handy in a winter riddled climate.

Melt it, Melt it Real Good

Snow Melting Cable Melts Snow for Good

Mother Nature can be harsh. She can be brutal and unforgiving during the winter months especially. Man has tried to combat her cold heart in the winter by inventing snow blowers and extra warm clothing. With the advent of snow melting cable, man (and woman) has truly found a sneaky way around Mother Nature’s cruelty. Snow melting cables can combat snow in such a simple way that you’ll hardly believe the radiant snow melting systems can melt the snow for good.

Heated driveway with four heated tire tracks

As long as your snow melting system is plugged in you can melt the snow consistently all winter long, enjoying the peace and comfort that comes with knowing your driveways, sidewalks, and roof gutters will stay clear all season. Snow melting cables save you time and also save you money in the long run. The radiant heat makes the snow melting systems energy efficient to run and allow you to enjoy the winter rather than shovel your way through it. You don’t just melt it, but you melt it real good, allowing you to focus on other winter matters, like staying warm and snow boarding and drinking hot cocoa by the fire. Radiant snowmelt systems can be designed to fit your specific details and needs. Professionals are ready to assist you in the outline and execution of your automated snow melting system.

Repairing Roofs Damaged by Hurricane Sandy

Consider a Radiant Roof Heating System When Repairing or Remodeling

In late October of 2012, the largest Atlantic hurricane on record, Hurricane Sandy, crashed into the Northeastern Seaboard, decimating entire neighborhoods in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and other eastern states. The tempest left homeowners facing repairs that ranged from replacing a few windows to rebuilding an entire house. New Jersey and New York were particularly affected by Sandy, but as many as 24 states (and much of Eastern Canada) were also impacted by the colossal storm. Damage in the U.S. was estimated at over $63 billion.

Damage from Hurricane Sandy
Aerial shot of Hurricane Sandy’s aftermath.

As residents in New Jersey and New York rebuild, there is no better time to consider installing a roof de-icing system. Installing a roof heating system is a smart investment, particularly for residents in cold climates such as Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York. Roof de-icing systems can eliminate costly repairs in the future by protecting roofs from snow and ice damage. These radiant roof heating systems are installed discreetly under shingles, metal, or most other roof surfaces, and can extend the life of your roof as well as enhance safety.

There are many different types of roof de-icing options available that not only can fit your roofing needs, but your budget as well. You can heat the entire roof, just the edge, or only the gutters and downspouts – or any combination. The key for homeowners is to work with radiant heat professionals to determine the best custom roof heating solution for your home. The radiant heat professionals will assist you in finding the best roof de-icing solution for you, whether it’s heating just the roof’s edge, the gutter or both.

Ideally, it is best to install a roof de-icing system and a gutter trace system to eliminate ice buildup in the gutter. Ice buildup in the gutter can damage the eaves and downspouts, but beyond that it can be extremely dangerous for pedestrian traffic below. By combining the protection that comes with a roof heating and gutter heating system, the lifespan of a new roof can be extended and the value of a home can be increased.

One of the best roof heating systems on the market that combines roof de-icing and gutter de-icing is provided by Warmzone, an established leader in the radiant heat industry. Warmzone offers complete roof heating solutions for residents in New Jersey, New York and the Eastern Seaboard, ranging from top products and system design to expert installation support.

Roof with snow and ice build up, in need of a roof de-icing system.
Roofs and gutters in need of a radiant roof de-icing system.

If you’re considering installing radiant heat, it’s important that you work with trusted professionals with a proven customer service track record, a wide selection of products, complete system design and engineering services, and expert installation support. With Warmzone, you’re guaranteed all of these.

Regardless whether you are looking for a roof heating, radiant floor heating, or snow melting solution, you won’t find a better partner to work with than Warmzone. The professionals at Warmzone will help you find the right system for your specific needs, as well as provide complete services, and unmatched installation support. The best part is that you have a strong partnership with a company that is committed to customer service and will work with you to ensure that the system meets or exceeds your expectations. Call a radiant heat expert today to learn more about your roof heating options at 888.488.9276.

Send us your project information and receive a free roof heating quote.

A Memo from the Department of Missing Snow

The Heated Driveway is #1 Suspect

To: Consumers Living in Winter Riddled Areas
From: The Department of Missing Snow
Re: Reports of Clean Driveways After a Snow Storm

There have been several alarming reports trickling in from consumers living in colder states. Consumers who once donned thick layers of snow gear and carried heavy shovels or pushed cumbersome snow blowers are now stating they receive snow but it does not accumulate on their driveway. This is alarming to them, but here at the Department of Missing Snow it is second nature to provide consumers with answers to their snow problems. The heated driveway is the number one reason driveways are missing snow after a snow storm.

If you or someone you know is experiencing these ice-free mysteries consider investigating a radiant heated driveway. Radiant heating cables may be the culprit in your missing snow mystery. These radiant heat cables lie just below the surface so you may not even know they are there, but they are doing hard work and making the jobs in our department very easy. Missing snow is not a problem for everyone, so feel free to report your findings to your neighbors if they glance at your heated driveway with longing and confusion. Explain to them how having a heated driveway keeps your driveway clean and the ice build-up stays away too. Refer them to the Department of Missing Snow where experts can talk with them about creating their own case and explain to them how heated driveways will remain our number one suspect in missing snow.

The Secret of Heated Driveways is Out

Driveway Heating is More Well Known Than Ever

If you were trying to keep your driveway heating all to yourselves, convinced that no one else deserved such a luxury, then you may be interested to hear that the heated driveway secret is out. More and more homeowners are catching on to the affordable, once thought of luxury of driveway heating. It is easier and more affordable than ever to lay radiant heat cables beneath your driveways and sidewalks.

Business owners are catching the wave of heat as well. The secret has spilled into their parking lots and loading docks and even showing up on school properties across the country as well. Radiant snow melting systems are a great way to keep property clear of snow. What was once a little known system has become a staple in winter-laden homes and businesses across the states. Heated driveways are efficient and require little power to access their heating power. The warmth keeps the snow from accumulating on the pavement and snow and ice danger is minimized with the flip of a switch. The automatic snow sensor keeps tabs on the temperature and snow fall so you never have to get up in the middle of the night to turn it on. The sensor detects those things for you and turns on and off when needed or not. Share the secret that is not so secret anymore with your friends and neighbors and tell everyone about driveway heating. They’ll love you for it.

Taking Snow Melting to the Radiant Degree

Warmzone’s Electrifying Dexterity in Outdoor Radiant Heating

Looking for the A to Z of radiant heating solutions, or somewhere in between? Warmzone offers a full menu of complete radiant heating solutions, and more importantly, they do it well. They have a vast portfolio of industry-leading products and services to choose from. And just like their interest in serving up top notch electric radiant heat and hydronic heating solutions, they take a vested interest in maintaining customer relationships for life. You won’t find better customer service. From your initial contact to your final installation, you’re more than a customer–you’re part of the Warmzone family. As a Warmzone insider, you can expect unbeatable customer service, free installation training, complete design and engineering services, along with installation support before, during and after your home improvement project is completed.

Heated driveway with brick pavers

How do Warmzone radiant snow melting solutions work to preserve the environment surrounding your home? Electric snowmelt systems utilize durable, highly efficient cable that distributes heat evenly across the surface of your driveway or sidewalk. The cable is rugged enough to be installed in new concrete pours, under pavers and even in harsh, high-temperature new asphalt construction projects, alleviating the need for shovels, snow removal services and snow melting chemicals—all of which can have devastating affects on the exterior of your home, from your lawn to your exterior landscaping. Warmzone ClearZone heating cable is the most popular driveway snow melting cable and features efficient, maintenance free operation and a 10-year manufacturer warranty.

Of course, no single radiant heating system is perfect for every type of job. What makes Warmzone more attractive than those “other” radiant heat providers? It’s their ability to match you with the best product for your project at the best price. Warmzone doesn’t partner with just one manufacturer. They carry a variety of top radiant heat solutions for just about any application, allowing them to deliver sincere, non-biased recommendations that best suit your project requirements. Warmzone’s experienced staff is well-versed in each and every one of the products available, and can get you matched up with the best product at a price you can live with.

From heated driveways, heated steps, portable snow melting, heated sidewalks, and heated roofs to gutter and downspout heating solutions, Warmzone’s definitely got you covered; and all these systems can easily be customized:

Radiant heated driveways: Warmzone’s ClearZone snow melting system can heat almost any size, shape and type of driveway. By the spool or with the help of pre-configured mats, ClearZone electric radiant heating cable can be installed under just about any surface (asphalt, pavers or a fresh concrete pour). Driveways can even be retrofitted with a ClearZone snow melting system.

Radiant roof heating and gutter trace systems: These best-in-class radiant heat systems prevent hazardous ice dams and icicles from forming on your roof. They eliminate prolonged ice damming and the severe effects of seepage through roof decking that can work its way inside your home, damaging ceilings, walls and floors, resulting in mold growth.

Portable snow melting: WarmTrax portable snow melting solutions, including portable heated traction mats and stair treads, are a great alternative to the permanency of embedded snow melting systems for heating outdoor walkways, ramps and stairs. Made of electrically operated heating elements sandwiched between two protective surfaces of non-slip rubber, WarmTrax heated traction mats are a popular, affordable and very versatile snow melting solution that serve a wide variety of uses.

    (End of Part I)

Warmzone’s Outdoor Radiant Heating (Part II)

Many of these snow melting products (and projects) are perfect for first-time do-it-yourselfers. If you’re ambitious enough to take on the project, Warmzone is right there to back you up. Not sure where to begin with your next radiant heat project? Warmzone professional designers will evaluate your radiant heating system thoroughly to create a detailed CAD of your system layout. You’ll know the electrical requirements, technical specifications and system performance expectations before one foot of heat cable is installed. You get all the details with minimal installation surprises to save you time, money, and in the end, the heartache of a radiant heat project gone wrong.

Heated driveway with brick pavers

It’s because of this flexibility—in the products, services and ongoing support Warmzone delivers—that gives them the edge in delivering superior radiant heat solutions for heated driveways, walkways, and roof deicing. Warmzone systems can be customized to meet the needs of virtually any area that requires snow and ice removal or ground thawing—for residential customers and contractors alike. And Warmzone’s reach extends throughout Northern America. Dennis S., a Warmzone customer in Calgary said this in regards to the performance of his electric radiant heated driveway, “This past weekend, we received over four inches of snow and temperatures of 15 degrees C – that’s like Green Bay cold.” Despite the ferociously cold temperatures, according to this happy customer, “the heated driveway did its job.” The driveway has also attracted a lot of attention. “A lot of folks in our neighborhood stop by on their walks and have conversations about my driveway, or ask questions if I am outside.”

Dennis is just one of many satisfied Warmzone customers able to realize the benefits of a radiant heated driveway. The biggest, of course, is the benefit of not having to worry about snow removal. No more back-breaking shoveling or wallet-breaking checks to the snow removal service. Because, after all, when you can operate the system for just pennies on the dollar without any effort at all, it just makes plain dollars and cents to install a radiant heated driveway. And what about those curious neighbors Dennis describes? It’s actually quite a boon to him if you think about the positive effects such talk might have on his home’s equity. In a word, radiant heat is an incredibly practical way to boost the equity in your home, while making your life easier. And the word is definitely getting around.

Ready to see how Warmzone can help you find the perfect fit in radiant heated snow melting solutions? Visit them online at www.warmzone.com or call 888.488.9276 for more information.

The Driveway Has Been Ice/Snow Free All Winter!

Location: Idaho

Solution: ClearZone Heated Driveway

Heated driveway during installation and after

This last summer, I installed the heating cables in my driveway.  I have a North facing home and the sloped driveway does not see the sun in the winter.  This combination creates a slippery condition all winter long.  I contracted out the concrete removal and pour.  With the help of some friends, neighbors and my wife, we were able to layout all three cables in one day.  One friend, helping install the cable, jokingly said “Your daughter won’t slip on ice now, but if she touches the ground she will get burned!”  The first snow fall this winter was the test and the heated driveway has been ice/snow free all winter!  The option to manually turn on the heat system has not been needed since the sensor works so well.  My wife and I are very pleased with the results and feel much safer walking out side during the winter now!


Dan S

Premier Radiant Heat Solutions