Preparing for, and Coping with Winter
Alas, another fall season is upon us. With summer having bid adieu, we can’t help but wonder what winter has in store for us this year. In anticipation of the changing weather, many of us head to the store to stock up on rock salt, snow shovels, and other items to prepare for the cold season.
It’s true that there are many of us who look forward to the winter months, excited by the reemergence of activities such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, and so forth. But I confess that I am no longer one of those winter sports enthusiasts. I’m afraid that those days are behind me. My winter “sporting activities” now include snow shoveling, salting, and occasional downhill skiing (without skis), immediately followed by impromptu luge runs (minus the luge) down my sloping driveway.
Yes, these “senior games” can be quite exhilarating, but not very sustainable. I think it’s time to retire these activities and adopt a safer alternative. My idea of a safer alternative is to install a radiant heated driveway.

My neighbor, who has never been a winter sports enthusiast, installed a heated driveway a couple of years ago. Now, he can hardly wait for the first heavy snowfall of the season. And I get the distinct impression that he revels in watching his neighbors shovel snow from their driveways while he sits in his La-Z-Boy recliner, sipping hot chocolate. I guess I can’t really say that I blame him though.
But, without question, installing an automated radiant heated driveway is the ultimate “game ender” of my typical winter activities. Fortunately, there is still time to install a snow melting system before the winter hits.
The process is not all that complicated, especially if you deal with a seasoned professional like Warmzone. Warmzone offers electric and hydronic snow melting systems. Both will do the job, but I personally prefer the electric systems. I know that the electric snow melting systems are a lot cheaper to install, and from what I’ve seen, the performance of these systems can’t be beat.
Electric systems use durable ClearZone resistance heat cable that is available in individual lengths off the spool, or in mats that can be rolled out for quick, easy installation. The mats feature pre-spaced heat cable, so it makes installation a snap. ClearZone heat cable is a proven industry leader that is often installed to heat driveways, sidewalks, steps, ramps, loading docks, and more.

Radiant heat systems can be installed in concrete, under brick or stone pavers, and there is even a special ClearZone heating cable for hot asphalt installations. The cable is rated for a temperature of 464°F (240°C) for up to 10 minutes.
As my neighbor has reminded me (several times), radiant heated driveways are maintenance free and fully automated. Ya gotta love that. Another attractive feature is that the systems are very customizable. They can be designed to fit your precise layout needs, as well as your budget. Having lots of options to choose from makes installing a heated driveway a very real possibility for me.
Heat cable can be installed wherever you need. While many homeowners opt to heat their whole driveway, others choose to heat specific areas, with one of the most popular options being to install heated tire tracks. Others may prefer heating an 8-foot strip in the middle of the driveway. The systems can be designed to accommodate any need – and budget – of the customer.
As mentioned, electric radiant snow melting systems are maintenance free and fully automated. A high-tech sensor detects temperature and precipitation, so when the snow starts to fall, the system immediately kicks on and the driveway begins to warm. This prevents snow from building up. At the end of the storm, the heated driveway remains on for a short time to dry the surface. This eliminates the chances of thin sheets of “black ice” forming. That way the driveway is clear and dry, making it safe for vehicles and pedestrians.
If you’re considering adding a heated driveway or sidewalk or steps, give Warmzone a call. Their professionals will explain all the options and answer any questions you may have. Call today to learn more, 888-488-9276.