Installing a Heated Driveway – Now This is Something I can get Excited About!
Every summer I make a list of all the things that I need (and want) to accomplish – in addition to my list of routine maintenance and other work-related chores. Of course, my sweet wife also cheerfully contributes, so I have a lengthy “honey-do” list as well. Sometimes I think that summer isn’t long enough for me to accomplish all that’s needed, especially when I throw in all the “fun” things that I want to do.
That’s right, I have a pretty hefty list of recreational activities on the docket. You know what they say about “all work and no play”. B-O-R-I-N-G. Ideally, I’d like to plan things out so that I get a day of fun for every day that I spend doing chores. Every afternoon that I spend replacing or repairing sprinklers should be compensated with an afternoon at the lake. Makes sense to me. I guess you could say that I’m committed to an equal opportunity summer.
The dry, warm weather of summer also lends itself to construction activities. If you’re a homeowner, I’m sure you’ve discovered the never-ending list of maintenance and small construction upgrade projects too. (It’s in the top drawer in the kitchen cubby, underneath the mortgage payment notices and insurance forms.)
Unfortunately, most home upgrade or maintenance projects are mundane tasks that I just don’t get too excited about. Sure, I’d rather be kayaking or vacationing in Italy, but nope, I’m a responsible homeowner. I also understand the importance of keeping the illusion alive that my wife married a responsible man.

This year I may have a job that I’m a little more excited about. It’s a substantial home improvement project, but that only enhances the excitement for me. I’m happy to say that my wife and I have decided to install a heated driveway.
I’ve endured many years of shoveling our walks and driveway – at all sorts of hours. I’ve been out there clearing the snow at 5 o’clock in the morning as well as 9 o’clock at night. I’ve paid my shoveling dues. If there were such a thing, I know I’d qualify for the prestigious 1,000-hour gold shovel award. The problem is, sometimes after I shovel and salt, I still manage to miss that one tiny spot that my wife’s foot always finds. Let me tell ya, high heels and ice make for a disastrous combination.
Fortunately, the insurance covered most of the medical costs. Too bad it didn’t address any compensation for the emotional trauma and mental stress. Yes, I was traumatized and stressed from my wife’s verbal reprimands. I tried to not take it personal. Instead, I chalked it up to the colorful ramblings of someone in extreme pain. You can hardly even notice her limp nowadays.

Over the years, my aging back has slowly been urging me to look into getting one of those fancy radiant heated driveways. I guess what pushed me over the edge was when my wife went down. Now, being the responsible husband that I am, I’m taking action. An automated heated driveway would not only keep the entire driveway clear of snow and ice 24/7, it also dries the surface after a storm, so there’s no chance the melted snow will refreeze. Regardless of the storm, or the time of day, our driveway will be clear and safe. I’m such a responsible husband.
Unlike most of my other summer chores, I’m not waiting until fall to start this project. Installing the heated driveway now is a smart move. I don’t have to worry about the frantic seasonal push to complete the work before winter hits. The heated driveway will be ready well before the first snow falls. Man, I’m such a responsible husband.
Fortunately, dealing with Warmzone makes the process of installing a heated driveway easy. Their customer support is absolutely top notch. I knew nothing about radiant heat, but they walked me through the various options and answered all of my questions. They have a team of experienced designers who are creating my custom system, and they even provide free installation training for the installers and electrician. Yep, this project is one that I’m actually excited about this year. My wife and I are going to enjoy this for years to come.
All of Warmzone’s great customer service makes it easier for me to take care of the other summer tasks on hand. But I may not tell my wife how easy Warmzone is making this process. After all, I’m pretty sure our fence will last another year. Heck, most of the chores on the list can wait another year. But I do need to mow the lawn. Yeah, I’m sure a responsible husband.

Read Part II of this series: Upgrading My Driveway.
Warmzone is one of the largest providers of floor heating, snow melting, and roof de-icing systems, as well as luxury home heating amenities. For more information about Warmzone radiant heat systems or luxury amenities, contact a friendly Warmzone representative today, at 888-488-9276.